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  • #693845

    Thanks everyone, I actually stumbled across this while trying to find the old studio name that M Pena was working for. I found old prints my parents have had for years (20+) and I wanted to get them in the hands of people who would appreciate them.

    I had no idea that figures were now made. They are beautiful.


      Are you thinking of starting a collection? If so, you have def come to the right place. Welcome! 🙂


      Not sure about that yet, I am not even sure if there a store locally where I would be able to see them in person. I know that the prints are fantastic and from what I have seen on the various pictures here, the figures are just as nice.

      Thought is there, but display space is not.


        Windstone makes the best figures. Come on, you know you want one… 😈


        Right now I have various Disney Collector figures that are in boxes in closets. I just can’t justfiy…yet. 😉


        Hello and a late welcome.

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