Welcome paperCut!

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      Hi! Tell us about yourself. How many Windstones do you have? 😀



          What a great name!!! Welcome!!! 😀


          welcome 🙂



            Just remember Windstones are addictive


            Hello! I recently (like, just the other day lol) decided to start collecting Windstones, so I don’t have many yet. Right now I just have Tiger (kitten) and a pyo wolf.

            I need to get to work on that wolf, I’ve had him for a few months already. I just don’t know what to do with him. Tiger I’ve actually had for years.

            I used to have a roaring Sentinel gargoyle til my mother got the idea to put him outside. 😯 Of course at the time I had no idea how valuable Windstones were or I wouldn’t have let her.

            At the top of my wishlist are the mother coiled dragon, scratcher (I’d love him in emerald but I’l take what i can get lol…), and the griffin family. I have to wait a bit though til I can sell some things on ebay…

            Anyways, glad to be here. ^__^


              We’re happy you could join us!! 😉


                Welcome! 😀 Your collection will grow in no time being here with us… just watch and see. We are a bad influence 😆


                  Welcome! And get painting on the PYO wolf! Once you start, you might have trouble stopping 😉


                  Hehe, well I do have an idea of what to do with him, I’m just a little paranoid to start. I’ve made a lot of My Little Pony customs before, but I’m not too sure of my painting skills… 😳


                    welcome welcome!! I know the feeling I NEVER wanted to do a PYO but Melody FORCED me to on one of my trips to the factory. Even if you have 1 Windstone you are a collector. That number will increase now that you are here


                    Oh yes, I plan on buying one the second I can afford one. I wonder which I should get first though? Scratcher? Coiled? One of the Griffin chicks? Ahh, I can’t decide. XD!

                    I started painting my wolf a while ago, but I have to go to the store tomorrow to get some more paint. Eee, it’ll be so pretty when it’s finished. <3


                    Welcome! The coiled mother is only $83 – that’s a good place to start. 😉 You’ll have to wait on E-Bay for an emerald scratcher.


                    Yeah, I’ll probably get her first. Might have to wait til I have a job to get a scratcher. Dang health issues preventing me from working… maybe I’ll sell a kidney. XD!


                    😆 There should be an over-supply of kidneys by now, considering how many other Windstoners were talking about selling theirs…

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