
Welcome maplecarver

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    That is beautiful! How long did it take you to make that?


      Thank you.

      A solid two, possibly two and a half days, if I remember right.

      The book Birds of Prey by Floyd Scholz is a highly useful reference for making birds.


        Wow, that’s very cool! It puts me in mind of Bubo from Clash of the Titans. I thought he was cool. 😀


          *a little late 😳 * Hi and Welcome! Glad you found us 😀



          Welcome! I love that sample of your artwork – can you show more?


            Bubo, now that is a cool bird.

            Would be honored to. I’ll see if this photo behaves itself now…

            Yesss!!! Here’s my Gryphon and Snake, carved of Maple, hence the forum name. Hard wood, but very strong and it holds small detail beautifully. The ripples in the wood are from a knot that was right above the Gryphon’s head. I cut the holes out from the board with a scroll saw before carving it. They’re about 5″ by 23.5″ and argue above my bedroom’s door frame.

            Bit of a question guys, about Windstone copyright. I certainly know enough to not commit any heresies. But it’s the little faux-pas and accidentally-stepping-on-toes issues (like with PYO’s) that concern me. Are there any threads somewhere where the really minor stuff is clarified for fans?

            Anyway, thanks. 🙂


              Wow, that’s beautiful!


                That is amazing…have you painted it or stained it, what are your plans to do to it?

                Windstone copyrights are touchy, if you go to the Paint Your Own there are some tips and faqs. You can do a search as well, but that will probably garner hundreds of threads. If you have any serious concerns you can always post them in the PYO section or the General section. Someone, probably Jennifer will try to answer them or will refer them to John if she doesn’t know.

                If it’s something as simple as “Can I modify a PYO (add wings, reshape, etc.)?” That would be a no. The Windstone copyrights cover the shape of the PYO so modifications are generally a no-no.


                  Your Gryphon and Snake is wonderful!


                    Ditto!!! 😯


                      *blushes and preens* Why thank you guys! They’re one of my favorite. 😀

                      They’re finished and are currently just hanging out. They have an oil/wax coat to protect against moisture, fingerprints, etc. Unfortunately it darkened the wood a little, but it brings out the wavy grain. For a painted piece, I’d prefer Alder or Basswood. Boring grain that carves beautifully.

                      Thanks Jasmine, the search function on the PYO section (and the Ask Melody section) brought up just what I was looking for.

                      In summary I gather that copying existing Windstone paint types is illegal but unlikely to summon the Windstone Police if it’s just existing in a corner somewhere. Repaints on regular pieces are officially discouraged to avoid confusion but legal and have the recommendation that they be marked as repaints on the bottom. And that natural critter coloration (dapple grey equine, buckskin, ocelot spots, peregrine markings etc) are absolutely free game and welcome.

                      *rubs hands together in glee over potential PYO griffin raptor/feline combos* This shall work nicely…


                      Beautiful carving, Maple! If I had room and didn’t live overseas I’d commission you for something!


                      =O beautiful! I love the griffin!


                      Stepping in here late. Hello.
                      I love your carvings. They are beautiful. Do you perchance have a site where we could see more of your work?

                      Come on in, Have some fun. 😆

                      Clicky please


                      I’m late too (I somehow missed this thread) but hello and welcome!

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