i am 48 yrs. old not ashamed to admit that. i worked in the court system for 10 yrs. was married for 15 yrs. but with the same man for 31 yrs. i am now widowed. have no children, except for my 4 cats whom i just adore. i first came across windstone many years ago at a local mall. my first flap cat was the bat winged birman. i have to admit and i hope i haven’t violated any copy right laws, but i always said if i was to get a tattoo this would be the one. 3 yrs. ago i took the step and had my first flap cat tattoo. everyone who see’s it just loves it. and i always tell them where i got it and who made it. i was fortunate to find a tattooist who also loves the feline persuasion. she did a beautiful job. thank you again for the welcome, i’m sure we will be doing alot of chatting. flopper