Welcome BladeEdge!

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  • #657176

      BladeEdge wrote:

      lamortefille wrote:

      Thank you so much for the kind welcome!

      You’re quite welcome. Sooooo, when do we get to see some of your art?!?


        Welcome!!! as soon as i heard deviantart I thought of you koishii!!! 😈 she got me started on deviantart….I’ve got a link below my siggie if you wanna visit! It’s great to have you here! 😀 😀


        purplecat wrote:

        Welcome!!! as soon as i heard deviantart I thought of you koishii!!! 😈 she got me started on deviantart….I’ve got a link below my siggie if you wanna visit! It’s great to have you here! 😀 😀

        Lol, yes, Koishii is indeed the one who got me here. I will definitely look at your page on DevArt! Thank you for the kind welcome! :3


          purplecat wrote:

          Welcome!!! as soon as i heard deviantart I thought of you koishii!!! 😈 she got me started on deviantart….I’ve got a link below my siggie if you wanna visit! It’s great to have you here! 😀 😀





            BladeEdge wrote:

            KoishiiKitty wrote:

            BladeEdge wrote:

            “Help her cultivate the obsession guys”

            Sometimes you scare me. XD

            And what is this “determined to fix that, Yammers” XDDD

            You’d have to funnel the dragon through the computer or something. XD Or brainwash my mom. Whatever comes first.

            there will be a way, i will find it!

            Once my mom is blindfolded maybe then it will work. XD

            But if she’s blindfolded she won’t be able to see the shell rolling back and forth. Or the big black and wite spinny thingie which ever way you want to do it.

            I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
            Engaged to a Weasel


            Hi, Blade Edge! 😛

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