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    Cool and you can read it. It kinda looks like a greenish gold color.


      I think it matches my siggy well


      I think you are correct.


        Dragon Master wrote:

        lamortefille wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        lamortefille wrote:

        My husband and I went to Vegas and were married by the Grim Reaper in a graveyard setting. We both wore all black and our rings were LOTR The One Ring replicas. We had each already done the big family wedding thing, so we wanted to do something “our” way this time around. We had a blast. 😀

        2nd wedding for both or re due of voews??

        Truth be told, 3rd for me and 2nd for him. I believe in doing things until I get it right. 😆 🙄 I wasn’t planning on getting married a 3rd time, but you never know what life has in store for you…
        I wish you both the best of luck this time around

        Why thank you, DM 😀 I hope you find somebody special too, and soon.


          Dragon Master wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          My husband to be stayed up all night the night before and got stoned and drunk with his uncles. He was moody during the ceremony and got irritated with my mother when she wanted to take pictures afterwords. At the reception,( at the VFW,) his aunt (Who I found out that day wants to sleep with him 😮 She is older than his mother, for crying out loud!) got drunk and threw herself at him… she then went out and wrote profanity about me all over the car we drove in. It was lovely. 😕

          the aunt wants to sleep with her own nephew??

          Yes! She is a sick ol’ bat. I am glad I am not in that family any more. The uncle (That he did drugs with the night before the wedding) sees messages in the shower curtain…the sisters are in and out of jail…it goes on and on…


            You are soooooo much better off without that kind of family in your life! 😯


            Wow, I would agree. That is just nuts.

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