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      I just wanted to give you a heads-up that Clay is working on fixing up the web-site to make it easier to find things. He’s not done yet, he’s in the middle of it, so some things may be a little funky for a few days. It might be a little early to tell him about funky things, but if you remark on them here he’ll be able to see the feedback in case something is going on that he’s unaware of and needs to fix. Thank you!


      Hi Clay!!
      Luv the pink that stands out, makes it easier to see, plus it’s my fav color!!
      Kudos for all the time you put in and making this website totally awesome!!
      Most Sincere Thanks and Gratitude !!


        I like the pink as well. It’s like cherry blossom pink. Very pretty. 🙂


          I like the pink too! I did notice when I was creating a Classified Ad that when you are in a field, it turns white, and the font is also white! So you can’t see what you typed until you Tab out of the field. That is a little challenging! LOL

          Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!


            Bodancia: Thank you! I’ve made sure Clay knows about the font color in the classifieds!

            If anyone else seems something odd that needs a fix, please let us know! It should be easier now to search for items.


              I like the pink too! I did notice when I was creating a Classified Ad that when you are in a field, it turns white, and the font is also white! So you can’t see what you typed until you Tab out of the field. That is a little challenging! LOL

              Glad you all like the pink links. I do think they’re much easier on the eyes (and more attractive) than the purple. But pink is not for everyone, so we’ll see what the consensus is. Thanks for pointing out that Classifieds issue——it’s fixed now. Please let me know of any other issues that come up.


                While I am not a fan of pink, it is easy to make out against the black. I see no reason to dump it.


                  I am currently unable to Compose a New Message to folks. Keep getting this error message.

                  Message could not be sent because you have entered an invalid username. Please try again.

                  Also got this when I tried to Compose a message to Clay.

                  Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!


                    The Message system seems to have a glitch – I’ve notified Clay! I cannot send a private message either.


                      I am looking into the PM issue right now. Has anyone else had a problem sending PMs?

                      I was able to send PMs to Susie and to a testing account that I set up, but not to Bodancia. So this may be a problem with Bodancia’s account rather than with the PM system. I don’t want to bother people with test PMs, but if anyone (other than Bodancia) has a minute, please try sending me a PM. Thanks!


                        OK, so here’s the story with PMs…

                        There are 2 foolproof ways to send a PM:

                        (1) Click the “private message” button on a user’s profile or on the Members List page

                        (2) Reply to an existing PM conversation

                        IF you compose a new PM from your own profile/PM dashboard, you must enter the person’s USERNAME (the name they log in with), which is not always the same as their name that is displayed publicly. For example, my username is “wstone” but my name is displayed publicly as “Clay.” If you compose a new PM to me, wstone will work, but Clay will not.

                        So, if you enter a username and get an error message after clicking SEND, go to their profile (you can search for them on the Member’s List page in the Community dropdown menu). You will see a Private Message button right there on the Member’s List, so you don’t have to go to their profile page.

                        As far as I know, this is the way it has always been. If anyone has evidence that this is a new issue, please let me know. In the meantime, I will see if it’s possible to customize the PM plugin to eliminate this issue.


                          As far as I know, this is the way it has always been. If anyone has evidence that this is a new issue, please let me know. In the meantime, I will see if it’s possible to customize the PM plugin to eliminate this issue.

                          Also, if you are on a regular computer, you can hover your mouse over someone’s name link, and it will pop up the path, with the user name at the end.

                          My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                            I like the pink wording too.

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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