We need a live chat….

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  • #543997

      I am so lost. Once I leave the chat room, I have no idea how to get back in. I have to go through the whole installation process all over again. There has to be a better way.


        I see you ski!

        You have to go find where the install saved mIRC and make a shortcut. Go into your computer, C drive, the folder named Programs, and then the folder named mIRC, there’s a little icon that says “MIRC” with a yellow smiley for the C, clicking on that opens the program! You can right click on it, and choose “make a shortcut” and then when the duplicate icon appears, labeled “shortcut to mirc” drag it out into your desktop and drop it there.


          I found the little shortcut! *Smacks self*


            🙁 I’ve got a Mac Powerbook… I can’t download IRC.


            I’m bored so I joined the channel. Hey SPark! 😀 I’ve always wondered how one goes about using IRC… now I know! Thank you.


              Java version! I just remembered that there’s a java version of the nighstar chat, so you don’t have to download anything. (Er, sorry I didn’t think of this earlier.)

              Just go here: http://www.nightstar.net/110.0.html

              Then enter a name in the nickname field. You can ignore the password field, you don’t really need one. Type “#Windstone” in the channel field, and then hit the connect button.

              The only downside there is that if there’s some problem with connecting, I’m less likely to be able to help you, because I don’t use the java myself, so I’m not as familiar with it. And it’s only good for nightstar, you can’t get onto any other irc networks with it. But it’s a lot simpler, I know, and will get you into the exact same chatroom as the longer set of instructions for getting mIRC will.


              I was actually thinking about mIRC as well! LOL I wish I had time for chatrooms but it’s like how I’m never on MSN because I can’t work and chat at the same time very well, I get distracted working and an hour can go by before I remember I’m in a chatroom too! LOL

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