We got a new kitty.

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      Glad to hear he’s coming around. Tell your little one to give him time. He’ll probably come sleep with her after he’s adjusted as long as she give him the space he needs to adjust. Cats know who the cat people are.

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      Joker met Emma the cat chasing boxer today and it went poorly for all involved. Emma chased him, he ran around like his tail was on fire, one kid was screaming and one was crying and I was yelling………exactly what was needed at the moment, yes, more stress and noise, right? 🙄 Mid afternoon joker was ready to be social again, just in the basement w/o the dogs….

      I’ll open up the door again tonight and hopefully he will come up.


      I am sorry, I couldn’t help but chuckle. Does that mean he is coming around even more?


      He was doing pretty well. However, he just bought his walking papers. The ?!$&*%# cat just bit Natalie again. She just went to touch his foot and bam! They were not playing, she was just sitting quietly playing computer games. I’m pissed. Jim is gonna be angry I wasted $100. Natalie broke down at the idea of finding Joe a new home. :shout: Now what do I do?!? Get a kitten, thats what. Joe will go to the human society during Feb vacation I think. That way maybe she won’t notice he is gone because she will away that whole week. I dunno, maybe I should just be upfront with her….

      Just goes to prove no good deed goes unpunished! :negative:


      asinnamon wrote:

      He was doing pretty well. However, he just bought his walking papers. The ?!$&*%# cat just bit Natalie again. She just went to touch his foot and bam! They were not playing, she was just sitting quietly playing computer games. I’m pissed. Jim is gonna be angry I wasted $100. Natalie broke down at the idea of finding Joe a new home. :shout: Now what do I do?!? Get a kitten, thats what. Joe will go to the human society during Feb vacation I think. That way maybe she won’t notice he is gone because she will away that whole week. I dunno, maybe I should just be upfront with her….

      Just goes to prove no good deed goes unpunished! :negative:

      I was afraid of that. Look in the paper for free kittens, there is likely to be some. I’m sorry it didn’t work out with Joe, but his behavior at get-go was iffy at best, so I had my reservations, but then when he seemed to calm down I thought perhaps there was a chance he’d be okay.



      I was hoping too! It seemed to be going ok atleast, but if I can’t trust him, then I can’t have him here. I emailed that gal I got him from to let her know whats happening, maybe she will take him back and return my funds(heres hoping)….I’m gonna check out craig’s list for kittens and maybe the paper too.


        Don’t discredit adult cats entirely. Most of the time bringing an adult cat not only saves a life but with adult cats, what you see is what you get. Kittens nearly always get adopted from shelters. Thousands and thousands of adult cats die every day just because they can’t find a good home. With a little research I know you could find an adult cat that will work in your home! Beware impulse adoptions.. take some time and find the right one. You are probably literally saving a life when you do.


        (I could go on XD)

        Plus if you are worried about biting, kittens bite and tooth and claw things far more than adult cats do.

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        OMG, I’m so flabergasted! I was just on craigslist looking for kittens and what do I find? 2 ads about a lady ‘rehoming’ a dog and drove off with this adopters money when the adopter said she didn’t want to adopt the dog because he didn’t look healthy. Turns out this lady JUST picked up this dog from it’s original owner, turned around and posted it up for adoption at $200………Makes me wonder where Joe came from, and now I feel like an idoit who got scammed. Explains why this cat is still sitting in my basement!

        Yes, Jennifer, that was my intention to get an adult cat. Now tho, I think I’m start from scratch and get a kitten. That way I KNOW what I am getting. Yes, we may have a few bites and scratches, but those will be from play, not habit.

        You know, I’m not complaining, but I have had the hardest past couple months. Money is tight, the kids have had cabin fever because it’s been so cold, Calvin passed away, Christmas was stressful because money was tight, we have been dealing with health issues w/ the dogs, health issues with my husband(nothing serious, just lingering) and now this. All I was trying to do was something nice for my girl and instead my jesture turns to crap. I beleive in karma and man, I must be paying bigtime for something…too bad I don’t know what! :shrug:

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