We finally started!!…..Progress

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      I used a micro fiber cloth to get most of it off. Then I used a toothbrush and sometimes a little bit of water. I know what you mean about chipping them. I really worried about it while I was cleaning them. I have a female test paint Griffin that chipped when I was cleaning her, and she was barely dusty! 🙁


        copper83 wrote:

        We finally got the tile mural put into the garden window. It just has to dry for a few days and then it gets sealed. It really came out nice. It was hard getting pictures though. The light wasn’t the best, and I couldn’t get the whole thing in one shot. The mural is called Guardian Spirits by Kim McElroy. Can you make out all the horses? The single tile is called Over The Rainbow also by KM. It’s a memorial piece for Copper.

        All the trim is done and carpet goes in next Monday. 😀 Need to get the track lighting in too.

        OMG!!! 😮
        I recongnized Kim’s work even before I read the post! I’m a big fan of hers and get emails from her website all the time on Spirit horse!
        I love the tiles! Looks really great! 😀


          Those tiles are gorgeous!

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