
We are Siamese if you Pleeze! Siamese Trio of Cats

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        the Siamese Trio of Cats is now in the store! https://www.windstoneeditions.com/shop/product.php?productid=351&cat=0&page=1&featured It these go over well they will become a production color available from our dealers. You might want to let us know what you think of them!


          Oh man, I haven’t thought about that song in so many years! Thanks for the nostalgia! lol

          I think they’re really cute, but alas, no money.


            I like these as well–can’t get one now you just had to name that kitty with my name so I have to get it right. Would love to see these in production! I won’t be poor forever! 😀


              I love these!!! Love, love, love!

              Keeper of the Fledgings


              They are very pretty!!! (But I must admit to liking the other painted Trio better…But I think that is because of the black kitty… 😳 ) If given the chance to get one over time, I would sincerely get one eventually. 🙂


                Much as I love Siamese (!), I’m going to pass on this one. I also prefer the other painted trio. The Siamese just has too much of the same colors. Now if there were 3 different colors/points, I would be tempted!

                Si and Am were my favorite part of Lady and the Tramp. 😉


                hmm… i dunno… i think i’ll pass on these. i know, crazy right? the cat lady passing up something with cats?!


                  I’ll be carrying these when they become available for dealers and I do offer layaway. Please respond privately. Thanks.


                    Just for the record, I really love these painted stone finish pieces.


                    I like but my real kitty has become suddenly expensive.


                      I think they are quite pretty but you may get more of a fan base with a variety of kitties. That way you have a better chance of someone going “OH, that looks just like Mittens… I need to get one”. 😀 Very pretty and creamy color, though. I like them a lot.


                        OH How precious! I would so love to have on but wrong time at the moment.I have three Siamese kitties too
                        oh well,maybe next batch 🙂 Keep up the great work 8)

                        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                        lamortefille wrote:

                        Much as I love Siamese (!), I’m going to pass on this one. I also prefer the other painted trio. The Siamese just has too much of the same colors. Now if there were 3 different colors/points, I would be tempted!

                        Si and Am were my favorite part of Lady and the Tramp. 😉

                        I like this candle lamp…But if I were to buy one painted (Other than stone finish that is!!!), I’d go the extra dollars and get one of the tri-colored. Just because I agree with Lamorte on that point doesn’t mean that they won’t sell out of stores though. I do like it, it’s just that if it had different points…Like one darker (some are much darker than others with markings), one lighter (Some are much more pale), and perhaps a shot of white on one to make it more like the Birman Flap cat (White might be the only color you would have to add, because the darkening and lightening, you would be able to use the same single color?)? Just a bit of change between the 3 cats would really liven it up I think…Sorry Melody if you’re reading this, but I think you spoiled us on all the different paint schemes you are using, and we are liking the multiple colors. 😳 (I don’t have a trio of cats lamp yet, so wherever you settle is what I will end up with anyways! 😉 )

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