We are in Kentucky!

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    lamortefille wrote:

    That’s NJ….tax you for leaving instead of giving you incentives to stay. πŸ™„ πŸ‘Ώ Congrats on finding a property you like, tas! πŸ˜€

    Ain’t that the God’s Honest Truth? Really, if they wanted more people to stay and be happy here, you’d think there’d be incentives for that. But I guess since incentives that go into the tax payers pockets and not the gov’ts aren’t worth it.
    With the tax rate here, we’re paying nearly $6000 yearly on 2.52 acres–about $3800 of that is school taxes, and we don’t even have any kids IN the school system.
    Plus we’re well/septic, volunteer fire and ambulance, and pay for our own trash pick up. I have nothing against the volunteers, either. Been there, done that when I was younger.
    But to give a comparison, the property in KY is nearly 12 acres, has city water and natural gas which we DON’T have where we are now, and their electric is very cheap compared to ours here. There is a generation station on the other side of town, so the transmission costs are less. But the taxes for a house, barn and property there is like $2000. And that’s for a bigger house, too.
    Water bill is maybe $40 per quarter, electric was around $50 per month. Don’t even ask what we pay here with the stove, dryer and hot water heater being electric….but it ain’t $50 a month! πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ
    They just built a new school in that town, so there wouldn’t be a need for a new school for a while…they have industries that pay the lion’s share of the taxes, and are far enough away that we can’t even see them. I’ve already started hunting up the money to put down as a down payment…..
    Gah! I wanna go…. NOW!!


      An exit tax?!?!?!?!? 😯 😯 you’ve gotta be kidding… I’d say it’s def time to get the ‘health’ out of Dodge! Glad to hear you found such a beautiful place. ‘Course there’s always Soda Springs, Idaho… πŸ˜†



        tasgrs wrote:

        lamortefille wrote:

        That’s NJ….tax you for leaving instead of giving you incentives to stay. πŸ™„ πŸ‘Ώ Congrats on finding a property you like, tas! πŸ˜€

        Ain’t that the God’s Honest Truth? Really, if they wanted more people to stay and be happy here, you’d think there’d be incentives for that. But I guess since incentives that go into the tax payers pockets and not the gov’ts aren’t worth it.
        With the tax rate here, we’re paying nearly $6000 yearly on 2.52 acres–about $3800 of that is school taxes, and we don’t even have any kids IN the school system.
        Plus we’re well/septic, volunteer fire and ambulance, and pay for our own trash pick up. I have nothing against the volunteers, either. Been there, done that when I was younger.
        But to give a comparison, the property in KY is nearly 12 acres, has city water and natural gas which we DON’T have where we are now, and their electric is very cheap compared to ours here. There is a generation station on the other side of town, so the transmission costs are less. But the taxes for a house, barn and property there is like $2000. And that’s for a bigger house, too.
        Water bill is maybe $40 per quarter, electric was around $50 per month. Don’t even ask what we pay here with the stove, dryer and hot water heater being electric….but it ain’t $50 a month! πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ
        They just built a new school in that town, so there wouldn’t be a need for a new school for a while…they have industries that pay the lion’s share of the taxes, and are far enough away that we can’t even see them. I’ve already started hunting up the money to put down as a down payment…..
        Gah! I wanna go…. NOW!!

        Sounds like a wonderful place to move to! My pet peeve is the electric bill. We keep everything turned off when not in use, we bought the energy efficient bulbs, we keep appliances unplugged, etc. and the bill is still way too high for my taste. 😑


        If I wasn’t already convinced that Kentucky is a good place to go, I would be now….

        My mother, who never agrees with ANYTHING I say or do, πŸ™„ actually sent me an email saying she thinks the area/property looked/sounded good after she went online and took a look around. I’m frankly amazed, truthfully. She ALSO said that she was gonna come live with us when she gets older. 😯 She listed her “requirements”, and I’m not so certain she was joking…..*looks for a safe place to hide*
        I think I would rather drink high test and whiz on a brush fire than have my mother live with us…… 😈 Hmmm….I wonder how one goes about getting into the witness protection program?


        Thank you for that graphic image! I take it you don’t want your mother living with you. πŸ˜† Aren’t there other relatives she can foist herself off on?


        You could always suffer her wrath and just say no…

        But I think you like living, yes? πŸ˜†



        It’s official; we are now property owners in…..KENTUCKY!!!! WHOOOO HOOO!
        *Happy Dance! Happy Dance!!*

        We did buy the 12 acre piece in Lawrenceburg. It took a while to get everything together to make the purchase, but it’s finally done.
        I’m still kinda in shock–it feels kind of weird to think that someday in the not-too-distant future, I *won’t* have a NJ address.
        I still want to go now, but at least now I know it’s ours, and it’ll happen….eventually. Anybody know where I can buy some PATIENCE?? πŸ˜‰

        We’re going to have the electric and water run up to where the house will be probably in the spring so we can hook up a camper and vacation there for a week or so. If I can swing it, I’m hoping to put up a paddock and run in shed so we can bring a horse or 2 and explore. Anyone have some suggestions for state parks nearby that allow horses that we could start with? I’m really looking forward to this.


        CONGRATULATIONS!!! πŸ˜€ How fantastic!



            Huge Congrats!!


              congrats!!! πŸ˜€


                Woo Hoo! Good on ya!

                twindragonsmum πŸ˜€





                    Congrats!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


                      Congrats! It sounds awesome.

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