(we’re sorry, too. we would really miss our kitties and you must really miss your horse! lots of loves from us, Ethan and Sean Campbell, twindragonsmums twins)
I only saw this today (since I’ve been gone for the long weekend and didn’t have time to go online) but I’m sorry for your loss… though, 26? That’s a long time, he lived a good long life…
😥 I’m sorry to hear that Moon is gone.
I feel for you, Melody and Chessie.
It’s never easy to lose a loving pet/family.
Specialy in this stressful time, after the move and all.
I understand how you feel, losing a beloved pet. And I’m so sorry for your loss. The Humane Society has pet loss grief counseling, which I’m going to attend to try to deal with the loss of my kitty Katie. You may want to look into it if you are having a hard time. It is a free service. You have my love and empathy.