
*waves shyly* Um, hello! I have no business being here!

Home Forums Miscellany Introductory and Welcoming Area *waves shyly* Um, hello! I have no business being here!

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    I feel a little presumptous even joining this forum, considering I don’t even own any Windstones… yet.

    I’ve had my eye on them for quite a while though, but they’ve always been too expensive. I’ve only now discovered PYOs – literally only last week – and now I don’t think I can resist much longer. Wanna give me that final push?

    The only thing holding me back is the question of space, because I’m by no means a collecting newbie. I started out in the mosel horse hobby, then got into dinosaurs, which logically means I have to collect birds as well. Then there are the big cats and hyenas and antelope and my massive hippopotamus collection…
    Another matter is the question of talent and skill, or the lack thereof. I’ve been browsing the PYO forum, and yikes! You guys are all such amazing artists! I’ve only ever painted realistic animal colors before, and here you all are doing the most amazing colorful paintjobs. I’m dying to try, although you’re giving me serious performance anxiety.


    Welcome! You don’t have to own Windstones to be here! I think several of us started out just dreaming of having them. lol
    Once you do get one though you will end up with more. They are like potato chips… You can’t have just one!
    One of the great things about Windstones is that they come in so many sizes and shapes. So you can just collect tiny ones or you can end up with several different ones. Either way, they will find a way to fit in with your other collections. lol

    The PYO’s are beautiful and while a lot of people here do paint some very colorful ones, there are some that are painted in more realistic tones as well.
    Just take a deep breath and dive right in. Each piece is a beautiful rendition of someones imagination and that is what make each and every one so beautiful. No matter the talent or skill involved, what matters is that you have fun.

    So once again welcome to the forums… Everyone here that I have dealt with has been wonderful and supportive.
    You might try checking out the classified section as well… There are some beautiful pieces there that might just get your addiction… ermmmm… I mean your collection started!
    Have fun!

    Looking for:


      Welcome.Like she said,jump on in! You never know what talents you may have tucked away in you until you try.Besides they are all beautiful in their own way.Please post pics of your work when you try one…or two…..or three…. 😀

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


      WELCOME to the Windstone Forum! And I SECOND Everyone’s encouragement, and throw in my own!

      I don’t have much space either – I’m another ‘Collection Hound’ and I’m always parring down one collection or another … but I’ve found some space for the smaller Windstone sculptures … mainly the dragons … and some Poads… two baby Ki-Rins … a few of the larger sculpts … See, Here I Go, again!

      Seriously though, I’m sure that you’ll *find* space for the ones you absolutely LOVE and can’t do without. Oh, and don’t forget you can look in the Classified Ads to see if you’re interested in a sculpt that another member might be selling. That’s actually how I got started with some of my pieces.

      And, as far as the PYO’s go… try one of the smaller ones if you feel a little intimidated, you might surprise yourself. As long as the colors you choose are pleasing to you, you can’t go wrong.
      If it helps, think of the PYOs almost like a 3D version of a ‘paint by numbers’ painting… you have a background, and the raised scales, feathers, or fur features are just different sections, or accents. Take each section at a time and you’ll finish your PYO in no time!

      If you get stuck – post a forum question and you’ll be sure to get suggestions and answers you can use. The forum members here are really great! 😀

      Black Peacock & Butternut Adult Poads
      Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

      *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
      *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


      Hello and welcome. I too don’t have any Windstones (yet, need to move first). But I have participated in two PYO swaps (They seem to happen during the Fall and Spring). You’ll soon see the board flooding with pictures from the most recent swap! Below is a picture of my very first PYO. I do have some painting experience, but nothing with as much detail as this. I was very nervous, but very happy with the end result. So, my advice is to just go for it, and definitely participate in the next swap if you like it.

      View post on imgur.com


      Hey **waves**. No need to own a windstone to love them and be a part of the forum!!! Being a collector in heart and desire is enough 🙂 as for the PYOs….. Buy one, start painting and you will be hooked! Yes some of us **sheepish grin** do paint the brighter, loud schemes but we also paint more natural ones as well. There are many incredibly talented artist here who do amazing “natural” work and shake it up every now and again with something a little different. I love that about this forum… No one expects any one kind of painting and as with GB pieces…. They come in a huge variety and some love em loud… Some love em natural

      Just enjoy the experience and paint what makes you happy!! 🙂


      Thanks, guys! I don’t think I can resist much longer… For now I’ve dug up some of my smaller plastic dragons to practice color schemes and scale painting – they’re easier to strip down if I mess up completely. And, because I’ve never been able to work on just one thing at a time I’ve also got a little dragon OS and a frankensteined griffin on my workbench. Does this board have a place for non-Windstone models?

      Apologies for all the typos – this tablet and my big hippo paws don’t get along…


        Thanks, guys! I don’t think I can resist much longer… For now I’ve dug up some of my smaller plastic dragons to practice color schemes and scale painting – they’re easier to strip down if I mess up completely. And, because I’ve never been able to work on just one thing at a time I’ve also got a little dragon OS and a frankensteined griffin on my workbench. Does this board have a place for non-Windstone models?

        Apologies for all the typos – this tablet and my big hippo paws don’t get along…

        You can post non-Windstone work on the “General Art Discussion” thread (fifth down in the “Miscellany” section). Welcome to the Forum. 🙂


          Hi and Welcome to the mad house!!! :bigsmile: So glad you found us and great meeting you!!!

          twindragonsmum :bigsmile:



            Welcome to the forum! I know we’re all quite glad you’re here! And don’t feel shy or improper about being here without owning a Windstone (yet? lol). I only have one official piece and all the rest are PYOs. I don’t think it matters as long as you have a love for the figures.

            You should never feel anxious about starting a PYO. As Bob Ross said, “We don’t make mistakes, we just have happy accidents.” I have a friend who is quite talented, but she was so nervous about making mistakes on her PYO that she never even started. Which makes me sad because she never gave herself a chance to even try. Every PYO (regardless of if it’s a Windstone or not) is an opportunity for practice and fun. I love painting them and hope I become as good as some of the other forum members one day.

            But I digress, I think all the forum members are quite supportive of their fellow painters. And helpful when you have questions or problems. I’m very happy to be part of this community (even if sometimes I’m only a quiet participant).

            As for collecting, I have a bad habit of it myself and have no space for anything (not that lack of space really stops me anyways)! In the end, you just reorganize…and position your figures ever closer together on the shelf. 😉


            Thanks, guys! I don’t think I can resist much longer… For now I’ve dug up some of my smaller plastic dragons to practice color schemes and scale painting – they’re easier to strip down if I mess up completely. And, because I’ve never been able to work on just one thing at a time I’ve also got a little dragon OS and a frankensteined griffin on my workbench. Does this board have a place for non-Windstone models?

            Apologies for all the typos – this tablet and my big hippo paws don’t get along…

            HA! You’re not the ONLY One that can’t do just one project at a time …. I’ve got many PYO’s started and in progress. Although I’ve since finished one Muses, almost finished a Winged Wolf, and have also started a my second Muse and a PYO Dragon besides… I still haven’t touched my larger Keeper Dragon any further since beginning it in January.

            AND, I’m about ready to purchase one, maybe two, of the PYO Flap Cats in the near future as commission pieces for a co-worker. I’ve got many other PYOs waiting in the wings as well…. I’ll get to them eventually. 😀

            Black Peacock & Butternut Adult Poads
            Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

            *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
            *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


            Hello oddly named one.

            Just thought I’d mention it, some of us ogled Windstones for 20+ years before we finally were able to start our collection.

            No matter the sculpture, you’ll find that they’re ALL lovely in their own and unique way.


            P.S. Welcome Hugebody McTinyhead to WCA (Windstone Collectors Anonymous) where we all understand and support you and your addiction.

            P.P.S. NEVER ask us to tell you NOT to purchase a Windstone. :->


            Hello!! I understand your hesitancy about a PYO. I haven’t gotten one yet, but had a non-Windstone PYO of a sea dragon for a yard decoration. It was my mom’s but she asked if I’d paint it for her. I have no experience painting or doing too much artistic stuff. I took a crack at it and was fairly surprised at how easy it is to get into it! I beat some challenges, but I had a lot of fun painting it and the end result was great. My mom and those I’ve shown pictures to loved it!

            So jump on in! Once I have the funds, I may get a Windstone one. Right now I have a Game of Thrones dragon model that I’ve just finally primed and needs painting. I have too many craft projects open right now. Ugh! lol

            But anyway, welcome to the forum and have fun!

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