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- This topic has 62 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Maria.
February 15, 2007 at 10:24 pm #539066siberakh1 wrote:
Unfortunately, then there is the issue of when a court system is corrupt. We’re dealing with legal issues involving my brother (got in with the wrong crowd and was set up – drug related… stuff was hidden in his car), but now he has to deal with a court group for rehab stuffs. He’s currently at the whim of the person in charge who changes her mind every other day and contradicts herself constantly, even contradicting his contract. It’s incredibly frustrating, but he’s not allowed to say anything. If he does, he gets sanctioned or is being ‘insubordinate’ for even questioning. Dealers and those with violent crimes are getting off with a slap on the hand to go about what they were doing to begin with. I agree that my brother (his middle names are ‘naive’ and ‘sucker) caused his own problems and made his mistakes, but having to go through all the legal stuff is really showing just how starkly lopsided things can be, especially if the people in charge don’t care except for making a name for themselves or for money in their pockets. He just got a sanction for talking to a cop to report seeing a crime happening without filling out a form we were unaware of. It’s downright infuriating.
I do agree that the punishments should fit the crime. However, for some crimes, you better know for dang sure that the person convicted is without a shadow of a doubt guilty. Some punishments can’t be reversed. I do agree that violent criminals be dealt with harshly. Convicted rapists, molesters and child abusers should be castrated/neutered in my opinion.
Also, along the same subject, another question comes in to situations (I read an article about this yesterday, so it comes to mind) of cases where children are brought up to be soldiers in war. They have no family and are brought up to be cold blooded killers. What do you do in those situations? Is it right to lock them up forever? How do you rehabiliate someone brought up to be numb? Someone who steals food who is starving and there are no services to help them (generally there are services in the US and in other industrialized nations, though there may be some areas that are exceptions). Do you cut off their hand in that case? Cases of legitimate self-defence. Some situations are far from cut and dry and are in that tricky gray area which can vary greatly.
Guess I’m feeling a little devil’s advocate today 😉 Still, I feel that some crimes just get a slap on the wrist way too often or people let off the hook for things, but there are some situations that call for more indepth look than a simple black or white answer.
Those are some good points. I know in the older rape cases, they convicted the wrong person but later they went back and tested the convicted person’s DNA with the evidence and it didn’t match. Yes, if a person commits a crime and they were sure that he/she was guilty then they should get the fitting punishment. But how would you tell if they were definately guilty? Sometimes it really comes to which attorney tells the better story.February 15, 2007 at 10:28 pm #539067Phoenix wrote:Good comments! I agree there are some grey areas and the need to be doubly sure the person is guilty.
I would not agree with harshly punishing a child as they are not mature enough to find a job, weigh good and bad decisions, etc. BUT. When they get older. They have the means and maturity to make the right decisions or to ask for help when needed. It’s easy to be bad, this country is all about getting things the easy way. It’s easier to sell drugs than to be a citizen. It’s easier to steal than to get a job.I think poor childhoods are becoming an excuse for growing up to be a criminal. “My dad beat me, so I’m going to beat my child”. I don’t care. That abused child is an adult now and knows, perhaps more than anyone, that violence is wrong. It’s just easy to use an excuse.
Humans are different than animals. Whether you believe in Creation or Dawin, humans are supposed to rise above the animals. We’re not really making it these days.
BTW, I have really small hands as well. My favorite firearms are my Ruger .22 (target), Browning 9mm (Belgium model is best), and Colt .45 1911. All fit my hands really well! The problem with most grips is the manufacturers like to use a “staggered clip” so the clip can hold more bullets, which means the grip will be thicker. Find a good gun that has an “in-line” clip and you’ll have an easier time!
Don’t go cheap if you can help it! Especially if you are going to rely on it for home defense.
Of course a good shotgun is great for home defense. Really, once the would-be criminal hears the ker-chunk of loading the round in the chamber, he’ll most likely buzz off. Of course then you have to chase him and you may run out of breath! 😆Sorry for the book!
Great, thank you for the help. I will have to look those up and see if I can rent one or something.
My bf says that a shotgun is the best for home defense. He has found a couple that he likes, now if I can stop buying Windstones…heheFebruary 15, 2007 at 10:58 pm #539068Hmmm, shotgun or Windstone. Gosh that is hard!
Seriously though. If the firearm is for you, shoot a shotgun before you decide it’s what you want. For myself, if I needed to shoot in a split second, I know I would hesitate if I had a shotgun. The pain for me is almost too much! Though, if I had a handgun, I know I wouldn’t hesitate.
If you had a shooting range that has rentals, spend a day there and try everything out that you can. You’ll learn a ton, plus it’s fun!!!
February 15, 2007 at 11:23 pm #539069Phoenix wrote:Hmmm, shotgun or Windstone. Gosh that is hard!
Seriously though. If the firearm is for you, shoot a shotgun before you decide it’s what you want. For myself, if I needed to shoot in a split second, I know I would hesitate if I had a shotgun. The pain for me is almost too much! Though, if I had a handgun, I know I wouldn’t hesitate.
If you had a shooting range that has rentals, spend a day there and try everything out that you can. You’ll learn a ton, plus it’s fun!!!
I know. I have shot a shot gun before and that was easier to cock (go figure because it is bigger than a handgun). I do have a shooting range close by and they don’t require a permit, but I think they charge per gun as well (have to double check).February 16, 2007 at 1:07 am #539070dragonessjade wrote:I know in the older rape cases, they convicted the wrong person but later they went back and tested the convicted person’s DNA with the evidence and it didn’t match. Yes, if a person commits a crime and they were sure that he/she was guilty then they should get the fitting punishment. But how would you tell if they were definately guilty? Sometimes it really comes to which attorney tells the better story.
Too true. Generally speaking — if you’re rich enough, you’re not guilty (OJ is a perfect example).
February 16, 2007 at 1:10 am #539071Yeah, Michael Jackson was another good example of that!
February 16, 2007 at 5:27 am #539072Phoenix wrote:Hmmm, shotgun or Windstone. Gosh that is hard!
Do both! Used Remington 870s go for about $560 here; they must be cheaper in the States. New Mavericks (same as Mossbergs, owned by Mossberg, but made in Mexico so they’re cheaper) can be had for around $200. Shotguns are some of the best-value guns out there.
February 17, 2007 at 3:04 am #539073I just have a revolutionary squirrel shotgun. She is sooo pretty! But the barrel was cut down and the stock has been replaced *they think in the 1800s, but I am still screwed because of it. It went from being a 10,000 dollar gun to a 2,000 dollar one. Poop.
I also have a cute little pistle with pearly handle, no idea what it is…ha~
I would take pics but they are both at my parents house currently.
My parents have a small collection left over from my grandfather.
My fav of theirs is a double barrel double rabbit eared shotgun. Its heavy as crap..but cute.February 17, 2007 at 4:13 am #539074Sounds like a neat gun Whippet… I love old guns. It’s too bad when people “fix” old guns. They really do more damage to the value.
We found a 9mm shotgun! Very unusual “rat gun”. It shoot bird shot in a 9mm shell. It’s fun.Funny story…
Mike and I went shooting at the range. It was my first time in years. I started with my .22 target as I am most accurate with it. Mike had loaded my clips (such a gentleman). So I shoot the first round and can’t see if I hit the paper target. It was only 50 ft. So I shoot again. How did I miss the whole paper again? So I get off two clips and can’t see any holes in the paper…
I bring the paper forward and see a million tiny little holes in the paper. Dearest one had put .22 birdshot rounds in my clips! Thank goodness I hadn’t lost my touch! After we put the good round in I had a grouping of -1. Not bad for taking 7 years off.February 17, 2007 at 5:09 am #539075😆 😆 😆 That’s so funny, Phoenix. And that 9mm shotgun sounds interesting.
Me, I just found that a batch of two dozen of the FIRST M-16s EVER PRODUCED has come to Switzerland are for sale. I WANT! I’m going to ask about prices next week. They’re full-autos, so I’d need an exception permit, but one of those would really add to the value of my collection. And I also just found a Spectre SMG that I’m GOING to buy, come hell or high water. Which means after I get my paws on a BEP OW, I won’t be buying any big Windstones for a while. 😥February 17, 2007 at 7:26 am #539076Sweet! I would love a full auto. I know there are some states here that still allow them, but not California. Funny, we allow everything else… I think pretty soon, we’ll allow cross-species marriages.
February 17, 2007 at 9:36 am #539077California is a ridiculous state. I would never live anywhere that gives criminals free hand by denying citizens the right to own guns. People who claim outlawing gun ownership lessens crime are some of the biggest idiots on this planet. Most crimes are committed with illegal weapons. Do they think they’ll change anything by outlawing guns? Sure, they’ll help the black market along. You can’t get any more illegal than what’s already illegal. Outlawing guns simply renders the upstanding citizenry defenseless against criminals.
The EU is putting a lot of pressure on Switzerland to conform to silly EU laws, including stricter gun laws. I’m using this year to expand my collection as much as I can, before some tougher laws come in 2008. (Ownership will stil be now problem, but there’ll be more registration required.) If it ever comes to point where buying and selling guns is illegal – God forbid – I’ll have my arsenal.February 17, 2007 at 4:54 pm #539078Greater Basilisk wrote:I would never live anywhere that gives criminals free hand by denying citizens the right to own guns.
I’m curious — is this just a personal inclination or does this arise from an observed need, based on your personal experience?
Personally, I’ve never felt the need or the inclination to own a gun.
February 17, 2007 at 5:07 pm #539079It’s just an observation Mimi. If law abiding citizens followed a gun control law, only criminals who don’t care about laws will own guns. Them and cops anyway. Who outnumbers who? I could see it being very dangerous to be a law abiding citizen.
I have never felt the need to own a gun, but I sure am glad I have access to one and know how to use it when hubby travels.
I understand people who don’t personally want a firearm, what I don’t understand is the people who want to deny me the right to own one. Especially since that right is expressly stated in the Constitution.
February 17, 2007 at 5:15 pm #539080I generally think that anyone who wants to own a gun should be able to. But I can also see the reason for prohibiting certain types of weapons, though I haven’t seen the actual statistics one way or the other.
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