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    I don’t know if this is outside of Flordia, but it couldn’t hurt.



      Nothing is there.


      It comes up for me. It is the video and your suppose to push play.


      Good advice! Thanks for sharing.


      Your welcome. 🙂


        Urghhh! I get so mad at seeing that stuff.
        When will this country start making crime hurt? These people do a little time in jail/prison but get treated better than our armed forces oversees!
        I think a large pink tatoo written across their faces saying “I am lower than a dog turd” would make me feel better.
        I hate criminals! I’ll stop here before I offend!


        I know, I get mad at people for stealing stuff as well. And I know that our taxes go to pay for ppl in jail to eat, etc. but, I am not so sure if they do get everything they need. My bf’s friend is in Jail (not prision) and he was writing my bf and practicly begging him to put some money in his account. I was thinking, why would we have to put money in there because I know our taxes pay for a lot of the stuff. Come to find out that the toiletries were the lowest grade (brand) possible and they have to use that money to go to the dentists/doctors. Yeah, I know…if you are a criminal..who gives a damn, right? Maybe if we treated them worse.. then some ppl wouldn’t do something to go right back in there, but we are all human after all. Tho the ppl that murder/rape shouldn’t ever be allowed to get parole in my opinion.


          I see what you are saying. But I have no sympathy for criminals. I believe in the death penalty. I believe they should expand the death penalty to rapists and molesters and violent crimes.
          I know this can be a touchy subject and I probably shouldn’t even state my views, but it makes me so mad when I hear of a 6 year old that was raped and buried alive. You will never be able to rehabilitate someone who did that.


          Yeah, the very bad ones I think should get a harsher punishment. But anyways, I have probably said too much. On to the warning….. 🙂


          Phoenix wrote:

          I see what you are saying. But I have no sympathy for criminals. I believe in the death penalty. I believe they should expand the death penalty to rapists and molesters and violent crimes.
          I know this can be a touchy subject and I probably shouldn’t even state my views, but it makes me so mad when I hear of a 6 year old that was raped and buried alive. You will never be able to rehabilitate someone who did that.

          Yeah…in some ways I feel ya. My grandfather molested my first cousin for like 10 years, and was given less than 6 months in a local “soft” courthouse jain. And he got out early. That is bull.


          I think a lot more needs to be done to keep young people from ending up in jail in the first place — most of them are poor or come from disadvantaged backgrounds. I think that’s really the key to stopping the vicious cycle.

          There are doubtless incorrigible, hardened criminals out there — some of them psychotic — that will never change, but I also think a lot of people can be rehabilitated given the right treatment. Of course, that generally has little chance of happening given the disgraceful state the prison system is currently in. Its no wonder that the recidivism rate is so high. However, I have read articles of some correctional facilities that are exemplary and they show that people can be rehabilitated successfully given the might methods and environment.


          Phoenix wrote:

          I see what you are saying. But I have no sympathy for criminals. I believe in the death penalty. I believe they should expand the death penalty to rapists and molesters and violent crimes.
          I know this can be a touchy subject and I probably shouldn’t even state my views, but it makes me so mad when I hear of a 6 year old that was raped and buried alive. You will never be able to rehabilitate someone who did that.

          Ditto, Phoenix. The death penalty is one thing about the U,S, system I much prefer over Switzerland’s. None of Europe believes in the government’s right to wielding the sword anymore.


            Out of curiousity, what happens to hardcore criminals?

            The US is moving towards no death penalty. Especially after the recent fiasco with the lethal injection.

            I don’t understand how it’s not cruel to put an animal down, but it’s cruel to do it to a human. My friend had to put her horse down. The vet gave a shot, the horse was dead before it hit the ground.

            I should shut up now!


            Don’t worry, Phoenix – I’m agreeing with your every word! 😀 What does Europe do with hardcore criminals? Usually they send them to psychiatrist or a psychologist or something like that. One case in Germany I shall never forget – a little girl was raped and murdered. The criminal got two years. And of course prison is state-paid vacation – internet, free meals, nice beds and whatnot because of the human rights activists who say we should be nice to criminals. Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe, but it’s not good here either. My brothers have beaten up aggressive foreigners before who were quite clear about the fact that they didn’t care whether they went to prison for attacking people – prison is comfy!

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