
Was it this week the chicks were supposed to hatch?

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      I like the sitting one better. Though having both is a must!


        Watergazer wrote:

        I was thinking they would be $100 a piece. So you think it’ll just be the sitting gryphlet offered and not the cutie crouching one with it’s butt all up in the air? Aww…that’s the more adorable one!

        As far as I remember, they were still having probs. If both versions pop up tonight, it would be a very pleasant surprise. I am sure not expecting both versions.

        The fledges were $100.


          If they’re $100 apiece – which is possible – I’m actually going to think twice about getting one. They’re not half as big as the female, who sold for $230, and $100 is just an unfitting deal, no matter how much they’d fetch on E-Bay later.


            Hum… I hope not $100…

            if they do $100… then I do hope it’s just ONE of the chicks. ::sighs:: though I agree.. I’m looking foward most to the crouching one… ๐Ÿ™ So cute!

            hey… another Gold Emperor just went up… maybe they are scheduling auctions…

            still no email…


              i gonna watch a bit wiht you guys i see the gold emp relist pop up i cannot personaly afford griffy chicks but might grab one? tbh for a resale, or trade prospect. eventually i’ll want a family but i wanna focous on dragons. course i bought stuff with best laid plans and it’s still here on my shelf


                I was thinking they would be $100 each too, since that’s how much they sell the fledglings for. But I’ll take 65-75 ๐Ÿ˜€


                I feel like a moron sitting here waiting…I should be working but I can’t do two things at once!


                I know…I want to go eat lunch, but I don’t want to miss them.


                  I know, this is the ONE day of the week my boss is here and its killing me!


                    Okay. Showing my ignorance here.
                    What flege sold for 100?


                      I’ve felt like that all day… I finally just ate lunch about 45 minutes ago… lol… Eat a bite, refresh ebay…


                      The old green fledge and I also think the gold fledge.


                        the limited production ones, old green, gold


                          Watergazer wrote:

                          I feel like a moron sitting here waiting…I should be working but I can’t do two things at once!

                          Not me! I’m happily doing as little work to look busy as possible. ๐Ÿ˜€

                          See…I honestly dunno if they’d be $100…t hink about it… the momma (who is what… 10X their size!?) was $230… if the sell them at $100… that’s just under HALF as much as for the mother… that’s not a big enough price for size difference if you ask me…


                            I wonder what the size comparison is to the fleges are. It seems they normally price them by size?
                            I know I have to get at least two for my friends, so I hope it’s not 100.

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