was high bidder…..

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  • #674634

      Sorry 😳
      This was going to be a very special gift to my daughter…
      I knew this was the one I was buying since they posted the auction.
      I hope you can get one of the next ones.


        That’s okay by me; just so long as it stays in ‘the family’ and I can have pix!

        twindragonsmum 😀



          Phoenix wrote:

          Sorry 😳
          This was going to be a very special gift to my daughter…
          I knew this was the one I was buying since they posted the auction.
          I hope you can get one of the next ones.

          Are you apologizing to me? I’m good I got Gold Spot male #3 and Gold Spot female #1. Congrats on the win. I hope you daughter LOVES him. The test paints are incredible in person. The pics don’t even do them justice.
          Congrats ddvm, I see you just won the female 😀

          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
          Sun Dragon Koi #3


            I’ll definately post pictures!
            No, I was refering to outbidding TDM.
            It’s so stressful! I thought for sure she was going to put in a huge bid just to win him! Just to let you know, I had a 1K bid up. I was soooo hoping you weren’t going to get the same idea and put in $800 thinking you would just overbid.
            I love my daughter, but….


              You’d have one of the most expensive test paints out there. But ouch.

              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
              Sun Dragon Koi #3


                Congrats on the win! 🙂


                  Congrats to everyone all the way around. I had a GREAT couple of Windstone Days so I’m set for a little while. I got my VF Feldgie and last curlie (so I not have all 13) yesterday and a Post office card and got my Gold Young from RomeoDanny this morning so I got my fix for now


                    Until Olimpia’s special Royal hatcher come out. I can just see you needing to add them to your collection. 😆 It’s only a “fix” not a cure 🙄

                    Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                    Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                    Sun Dragon Koi #3


                      Congrats to all!! 😆


                        setsunawolf wrote:

                        Until Olimpia’s special Royal hatcher come out. I can just see you needing to add them to your collection. 😆 It’s only a “fix” not a cure 🙄

                        I don’t collect the Royal Hatchers (I have my 2 SPECIAL 23KT /Gold Leaf Hatching Empresses and that is enough) and I have 2 Olympia special issues the Green/Gold Sk and her unbelievable White/Gold Sun Dragon so I’m kewl there too. Thank goodness since I still need to catch up my house.
                        I’m still trying to get my Gold’s complete. I have the Emperor on Layaway 3 more payments there, but I still need both the Male and Mother dragons also


                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          I don’t collect the Royal Hatchers (I have my 2 SPECIAL 23KT /Gold Leaf Hatching Empresses and that is enough) and I have 2 Olympia special issues the Green/Gold Sk and her unbelievable White/Gold Sun Dragon so I’m kewl there too. Thank goodness since I still need to catch up my house.
                          I’m still trying to get my Gold’s complete. I have the Emperor on Layaway 3 more payments there, but I still need both the Male and Mother dragons also

                          I was teasing. 😀 I figured you “might” need one of the special ones to go in between the golden girls…..for contrast 😆

                          I’ve gotten 2 of Olimpia’s pieces now as well, so I need to behave. Although I still need a Jennifer piece. And the winning Power Ball ticket. 😆 (Then there will be no stopping me 😈 ) I’m off to class to be bored..I mean learn something. Today we are going to learn about the Windstone Forum, I’m actually using it as a demonstration in class 😆 😆

                          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                          Sun Dragon Koi #3


                            Phoenix wrote:

                            I’ll definately post pictures!
                            No, I was refering to outbidding TDM.
                            It’s so stressful! I thought for sure she was going to put in a huge bid just to win him! Just to let you know, I had a 1K bid up. I was soooo hoping you weren’t going to get the same idea and put in $800 thinking you would just overbid.
                            I love my daughter, but….

                            I hope she really APPRECIATES what a cool mum she’s got! Congrats!!!!!

                            twindragonsmum 😀



                              Phoenix wrote:

                              I’ll definately post pictures!
                              No, I was refering to outbidding TDM.
                              It’s so stressful! I thought for sure she was going to put in a huge bid just to win him! Just to let you know, I had a 1K bid up. I was soooo hoping you weren’t going to get the same idea and put in $800 thinking you would just overbid.
                              I love my daughter, but….

                              Congrats! 😀 You are a cool mom alright!


                                Congrats, Phoenix. He is beautiful! Can I come visit him? Would your daughter freak out if she woke in the middle of the night to find a creepy person in her room making grabby hands at her gryphon?

                                You don’t have an attack dog, right? ❓ 😛

                                <– Baby Dragons & Eggs


                                  😆 😆
                                  No dogs. But the ponies can be quite vicious if you don’t bring carrots!

                                  That would be kinda freaky though. I can just see the shadow of a figure in the dark with their hands outstreaches saying “muuussst haaave, give him to meeee”.
                                  Eww. Creepy. I may have nightmares when this griffin comes!

                                  And for the record… My daughter is 8, so she won’t actually be taking possesion for quite awhile!
                                  But I am a pretty cool mom!
                                  Now for a dragon for my son! I think it’ll have to be an OW.

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