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- This topic has 31 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Skigod377.
February 13, 2007 at 7:43 pm #538670vantid wrote:
Whoa what’s IUD??? I never want kids, I keep asking about getting permanently “fixed” my my doctors won’t help me out. I am so forgetful, I am a spaz with the pill but it’s all I got right now. The shot taht lasts for 3 months is nice and all but it had awful awful awful side effects on me.
Intra-Uteran Device. And unfortunately the only way that you will get “spayed” is if you have some severe problems with either your ovaries or uterus, like ovarian cancer or something like that…Or if you are older and have ovarian cysts like my mom…..She had been wanting for years to be “spayed” but they wouldn’t do it untill she hit menopause and developed these cysts and an ulcer in her uteran wall….
February 13, 2007 at 8:00 pm #538671Nirvanacat13 wrote:Intra-Uteran Device. And unfortunately the only way that you will get “spayed” is if you have some severe problems with either your ovaries or uterus, like ovarian cancer or something like that…Or if you are older and have ovarian cysts like my mom…..She had been wanting for years to be “spayed” but they wouldn’t do it untill she hit menopause and developed these cysts and an ulcer in her uteran wall….
This is true, and very frustrating for those of us that do not want children. It’s increasingly harder for a guy that wants to get ‘fixed’ to do so too, even though it’s far less invasive and dangerous. It’s because doctors are so afraid to be sued later down the line when those same people want to have kids and can’t. It sounds completely insane but it’s happened in the past. 🙁
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My art: featherdust.comFebruary 13, 2007 at 8:24 pm #538672vantid wrote:Whoa what’s IUD??? I never want kids, I keep asking about getting permanently “fixed” my my doctors won’t help me out. I am so forgetful, I am a spaz with the pill but it’s all I got right now. The shot taht lasts for 3 months is nice and all but it had awful awful awful side effects on me.
That, and the fact that it can decrease your mineral bone density, making osteoroposis a threat – if you’re talking about DepoProvera…
Your doctors should tell you about ALL the options out there, and the UID is one of them.
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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http://www.sarahjestin.com/feedbacklists.htmFebruary 13, 2007 at 8:26 pm #538673vantid wrote:Whoa what’s IUD??? I never want kids, I keep asking about getting permanently “fixed” my my doctors won’t help me out. I am so forgetful, I am a spaz with the pill but it’s all I got right now. The shot taht lasts for 3 months is nice and all but it had awful awful awful side effects on me.
That, and the fact that it can decrease your mineral bone density, making osteoroposis a threat – if you’re talking about DepoProvera…
Your doctors should tell you about ALL the options out there, and the UID is one of them.
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.
http://www.sarahjestin.com/feedbacklists.htmFebruary 13, 2007 at 11:01 pm #538674Hey, I’m new here, but why would your doctor give you trouble over a tubal ligation(sp?). Then you won’t have trouble with hormones etc…Maybe they have an age minimum? I do think your doctor should talk to you about ALL your birth control options!!
Geez, here it seems like they are jumping the gun to do hysterectomies. I had both my kids c-section. When I was on the OR table, getting prepped for my “emegency c-section”, the anestesiolo-whatever was like “So, you want a complete hysterectomy right?”…I’m like, “ah, no…This isn;t the time to bring that up”..DUH!!
February 13, 2007 at 11:42 pm #538675I know doctors have a hard time “letting” someone with no kids get thier tubes tied. Especially if you are under 30!
Heck. I was on the table for my second C-Sect and he didn’t want to tie my tubes. This was after I was talking with him for the nine months before hand telling him I wanted to have it done when I was there. I signed so many papers saying I actually wanted to do it.
I am so happy I don’t have to deal with pills or any other method!
If your doctor won’t do it, I would find another doctor! When they ask “what if you change your mind”, just tell them you’ll do IVF if you decide later you want kids.February 14, 2007 at 3:04 am #538676I have polycystic ovarian disease and remember getting angry with my doctor when she made noises about doing a laparotomy to see what was going on in there. I snapped at her that if she was going in, she was taking the whole damn apparatus out. She hasn’t said anything since then.
But I’m with the ones that would like an OVH. I don’t want kids, my ovaries give me hell because they hurt at random times, and that whole five day thing, just…nah. I’d rather breed puppies. I don’t think I’ll be convincing my doc any time soon, though.
February 14, 2007 at 10:05 am #538677Ok, im not going to get started on another kid debate, but people DO change their minds. Case in point: I had Justin. I asked them to tie my tubes and they wouldnt. I was 23? and had only this one kid, but I didnt like children and KNEW I would NEVER want more. Here I am, 7 years later, and now I am thinking I want a baby. I also have a friend named Craig who had his little tubes tied. He has two kids w/a previous wife. They divorced and they split custody. He is now married to another woman who has no kids and wants kids. Now Craig wants kids with his new wife. He went and had his buddies operated on, (Several thousand Euro) and the procedure didn’t work. Now they have to try the freezing thing… something about gathering his sperm and her eggs and fertilizing it, then injecting it into her uterus. They have to pay for this, too. Now, Craig is over 30. He had two kids already. He changed his mind. The doctors are not going to want to neuter/spay younger men or women who they feel may change their mind later. The reverse procedures only works about 50% of the time. Who would want to do that when there are SO MANY forms of birth control out there that are not permanent? I am NOT saying YOU GUYS dont know your own minds, only that lots of people change them, and the doctors are not gonna risk it. Vantid, I highly recommended the IUD because it works, lasts a LONG time, and is great for folks who never want kids. Its like, 98% effective but not permanent. Ive had it in since the birth of my son and I have never had any side effects except a bit more cramps.
February 21, 2007 at 8:38 pm #538678skigod377 wrote:Ok, im not going to get started on another kid debate, but people DO change their minds. Case in point: I had Justin. I asked them to tie my tubes and they wouldnt. I was 23? and had only this one kid, but I didnt like children and KNEW I would NEVER want more. Here I am, 7 years later, and now I am thinking I want a baby. I also have a friend named Craig who had his little tubes tied. He has two kids w/a previous wife. They divorced and they split custody. He is now married to another woman who has no kids and wants kids. Now Craig wants kids with his new wife. He went and had his buddies operated on, (Several thousand Euro) and the procedure didn’t work. Now they have to try the freezing thing… something about gathering his sperm and her eggs and fertilizing it, then injecting it into her uterus. They have to pay for this, too. Now, Craig is over 30. He had two kids already. He changed his mind.
You know… the people who ‘change their minds’ are almost unanimously people who have had one or two kids, get fixed and THEN decide they’d like more.
People who get fixed BEFORE having any kids… don’t tend to change their minds. I don’t think I’ve heard of ANY childfree who’s changed their mind, and the one study I read about it indicated that nulliparas make up the very smallest number of people wanting or obtaining reversals.
BOTH of your cited cases are cases of people who have kids already… and those ‘mind changes’ are the ones that make it difficult for people like me – who are absolutely anti-kid, don’t want them and never do – and don’t change their minds either – to get fixed.
I SHOULD have been able to get a tubal on the NHS.
I was told “first, ten years or three kids, your choice.”I asked why it wasn’t ok for me, a 24-year-old, to make the permanent decision to NOT have children… when it was OK for the girl in the lobby – at least seven years younger and I’d guess ten – to have made the permanent decision TO have children not once but twice. She had one young child and a baby on the way.
Both are equally permanent decisions – except that MY decision only affects me, and not the putative life i’m bringing into the world.
In the end, I went to Marie Stopes and paid more than I could afford to have it done. Best £1500 I ever spent. The peace of mind I got from knowing that I’m very unlikely ever to have another unwanted pregnancy is worth ten times that.
Vantid: Persist on the tubal if you’re sure you don’t want kids. Insist that your doctor refer you to someone who is willing to hear your reasons.
February 21, 2007 at 8:50 pm #538679To each their own. The topic was about birth control and I was giving info for a less expensive, less permanent solution. Whats the problem with that? Either way, the end result is no kids.
February 21, 2007 at 9:02 pm #538680Oh, and you said that people who get reversals are almost always people that already have kids and decide they want more, not people who dont have kids… thats because most doctors wont perform the procedure on people who have no kids so most of the people who have the procedure in the first place already have kids.
February 21, 2007 at 9:20 pm #538681skigod377 wrote:Oh, and you said that people who get reversals are almost always people that already have kids and decide they want more, not people who dont have kids… thats because most doctors wont perform the procedure on people who have no kids so most of the people who have the procedure in the first place already have kids.
The percentage of people who do not have kids, have been sterilised and then decide to get it reversed is very significantly smaller than the percentage of people who have kids, get sterilised, then decide to get it reversed.
Not just the number is smaller – but the actual proportion of childfree reversals to childfree non-reversals is smaller than the proportion of childed reversals to childed non-reversals.
I’m fully in agreement – IUDs are a great temporary solution… I had one for four years.
However… they are not foolproof. It may be slightly too much information, but even normal ‘vanilla’ behaviours can pull on the protruding strings – and even pull the IUD out. I discovered this to my detriment – I had a Gynefix IUD, which is stitched in. Also… if they have nylon strings, these can poke one’s significant male other quite painfully.
February 22, 2007 at 4:02 am #538682I agree about the strings 😯 . I dont know about any hormonal IUD as I will not use one. all my recommendations are for the copper, and that one cant fall out. If you have numbers on the percentage, I would love to know where you found this out. I went to reserch last night (Cuz of this conversation) and could not find any statistics anywhere.
February 22, 2007 at 7:35 am #538683skigod377 wrote:I agree about the strings 😯 . I dont know about any hormonal IUD as I will not use one. all my recommendations are for the copper, and that one cant fall out. If you have numbers on the percentage, I would love to know where you found this out. I went to reserch last night (Cuz of this conversation) and could not find any statistics anywhere.
My Gynefix was a copper based one – no hormones – just a string of copper beads stitched in at the top. It DID fall out 🙂
And here’s one set of statistics:
If you searched for ‘sterilisation regret’ you might find more stats.It looks to me like only 6.3% of women who never had children before getting sterilised expressed regret about it (and that’s not actual reversals, just people who ‘change their mind’) … but of the people who expressed regret, the vast majority of them – something like 75% – were women who had kids and were sterilised under the age of thirty.
February 22, 2007 at 10:42 am #538684All IUDs call fall out, the only 100% sure method of not getting pregnant is to not have sex. IUDs fall out, pills and shots are not always effective, and certin meds change the affectivness of them, tubal ligation can reverse itself as can vasectomys, and even without a womb, as ovaries are often left for hormones you can indeed get pregnant. I have a couple of friends who are sisters that swore they never wanted kids, one the younger oddly enough, found a doctor willing to do the ligation at 21 or 22, to my knowledge she does not regret it, whereas her sister, who never had it done now has one and is pregnant with #2, after their mother died she decided maybe there is something to motherhood.
As for efectiveness of methods:
I have a friend who got pregnant on Depo shot, she was taking penicillin I believe lessened the effects enough to produce her son.
I have an aquantence, that after her daughter she wanted to be a nurse, so she went on the pill and IUD, started school, found out a month in she was pregnant with daughter 2.
And my boss, who had a hystorectamy at 30ish had a tubal pregnancy 3 years later, she carried to about 4 months before going in to find out what the pain was, she tried to carry to viability, but saddly did not.
–Life will find a way-Ian Malcolm, played by Jeff Goldblum
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