
Wanted: Will buy or trade, also store watcher wanted :)

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Wanted: Will buy or trade, also store watcher wanted :)

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  • #499214


    Looking to buy or trade for the following:

    BEP Old warrior
    Brown- Lap, fledgling, hatching royalty, old warrior, curl
    Coiled mother- white and emerald
    Silver lap, mother, old warrior (if and when)
    Emerald with orange eyes (any sculpt)
    Lion sconce
    Spectral- Black gold, Gold spectral, with lots of brown coloring
    White lap *hold, probably buying from Leigha 😀 😀 :yum: *
    Emerald peacock lap, spectral
    Curls: Most every color except emerald, violet flame, amethyst, and rainbow. Especially looking for a brown and an emerald peacock!
    Cats: Large flap cats most any color, small flap cats with bat wings

    Any sculpt in copper patina!!

    Wanting the following when they hit the store, I’m almost never on to watch it. If you happen to be on and can pick one up I will pay you for your time! Please note I don’t know if some of these will even be made before anyone gets excited and thinks they missed an announcement or something 😆
    Amethyst- Old warrior, scratcher, oriental sun, lap, coiled mother… pretty much any except the ones already out
    Coiled mother- any color
    BEP or BVP old warrior especially, I’d take any sculpt in these colors except lap which I already have 🙂


    Pm’d you 🙂


    Got ya back 😀


    Tag you’re it!





    Bump 😀

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