
Wanted Cat Wizard

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  • #504550

    I am looking to purchase a cat wizard. Any color will do. I am back to activly looking for one. Please let me know. Happy holidays to you all.


      WOW!! nice tat. Have you shown Melody?


      Thank you, I am glad you like it.Yes I have. She liked it. I made it so he is conjoring one of my doodles that appears in all my drawings. It took me awhile to decide what I wanted for a tattoo and I have colleced some Windstone pieces. I worked for a company called Black Magic welding, I love cats and most fantasy books. The down side is that I do not have the cat wizard that my tat was fashioned from. I was hoping Melody would be painting some more have the Cat wizards, but that has not happened yet. Also I have been short on funds latley, but after the holidays I am hoping to find one.


        I would love to see a bigger pic of your tat….


        I am still pretty new to forums and I am not sure how to attach a large pic. I can send my email if that would help or give me some instruction on how to attach a large pic.

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