Want Empea + flame fledglings, poads, have fuzzy stuff

Home Forums Administration Trade & Swap Want Empea + flame fledglings, poads, have fuzzy stuff

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  • #497405


        Well, I figured it can’t hurt to try. 🙂

        What I’m after:
        An emerald peacock fledgling
        A red flame fledgling
        Any poad except butternut and black.

        What I have to offer:
        Loonakit critters
        Custom plushes
        Fuzzy pillows
        Costume tails

        I would be willing to trade up to four loonakits, any one custom plush, one large pillow or two small, or three tails for anything on my want list.

        I’m also after a Secret Keeper (who isn’t?) and while I know the odds are probably a million to one of anybody being interested, I would do a full body mascot-style costume in exchange for one. 🙂 I normally charge $1,300 for those, so I consider it a pretty fair exchange.


        Whoa, that’s nice of you, SPark! That’s the price of an e-bay Secret Keeper! What colors are you looking for?


          *laughs* The ones I REALLY want are the limited ones. 🙂 (I’d about kill for the violet flame *sigh*) But I’d take any, honestly. I love the sculpt, in all the colors I’ve ever seen. I think my next fav. after the violet flame is the white. I also love the gold, the rainbow, and the peacock too, though I think peacock is at the bottom of the list. I still like it plenty though.


          Idea! PMing you. 😀


            Well, my trade with GB went swimmingly, so I can cross one poad off my list, but I’m still looking for the two fledges (empea, flame) and the rest of the poads. (burnt sugar, silver and white, metallic blue) I can do pretty much anything that involves fake fur. My clothing sewing skills are limited to following fairly simple patterns, sadly, but who doesn’t need some fuzzy, warm, cuddleable things in their life, right?

            Any takers?

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