Want a Siggie? Updates will be in first post *more*

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      mimitrek wrote:

      drag0nfeathers wrote:

      Mimitreks is hysterical!

      😆 😆 😆 That is so funny! I never would’ve thought of doing that! It reminds me of Momo with your griffin. 😀

      Thanks so much Whippet!

      LOL! Oh man! I should take a picture of Momo riding my spectral dragon!


        I’d LOVE one too but you already took the white SK and I do not have a nice pic or my hatching Empress’ in gold. I’m so technogically challenged I’m not sure if I would be able to figure out how to get a good pic posted


        drag0nfeathers wrote:

        mimitrek wrote:

        drag0nfeathers wrote:

        Mimitreks is hysterical!

        😆 😆 😆 That is so funny! I never would’ve thought of doing that! It reminds me of Momo with your griffin. 😀
        Thanks so much Whippet!

        LOL! Oh man! I should take a picture of Momo riding my spectral dragon!

        I’d love to see that!


        Dragon Master wrote:

        I’d LOVE one too but you already took the white SK and I do not have a nice pic or my hatching Empress’ in gold. I’m so technogically challenged I’m not sure if I would be able to figure out how to get a good pic posted

        They have a good picture of the gold hatching empress in the gallery, and I copied it here so you can use this pic if you like:


          That is PERFECT!!! How can I ask Whippet if she could use it? I need to eat and get to my contest so I’m running short on time. Could you help? Thanks.I never even thought about the galleries


          I think Whippet will see your post when she checks this thread — but I’ll help PM Whippet for you just in case and let her know that you’d like one with the gold empress picture.


            Ooo! Pretty please can you make me one with the silver old warrior? 😀 If u can’t with the silver one, then the peacock is fine. 🙂


              I would love one with the Jade Coiled Dragon. That would go with my name too!


              updated again…I think that is everyone so far? Any more takers?


              Wow, those all look fantastic! Though I still like mine the best. 😉


                Pretty soon everyone will have a Whippet Siggie and the forums will be flodded with little windstone pics =) Melody will be surprised 😀


                drag0nfeathers wrote:

                Pretty soon everyone will have a Whippet Siggie and the forums will be flodded with little windstone pics =) Melody will be surprised 😀

                NOOO my evil plan has been foiled again!!!


                drag0nfeathers wrote:

                Pretty soon everyone will have a Whippet Siggie and the forums will be flodded with little windstone pics =)

                Ha ha! I was thinking the same thing!


                Aww cool me too if you are still in the mood.


                ruffian wrote:

                Aww cool me too if you are still in the mood.

                Sure! What would you like?

              Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 221 total)
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