Does anyone know how to get a back door trojan off of my laptop? My bf clicked on a friend request from myspace and it gave us a back door trojan and other viruses. We have Mcafee on it and have scanned it several times, but is still has a ! in a yellow triangle. I don’t want to loose all of my pictures and other things on there. I am afraid that if I reconnect to the internet that it will do something else. Does anyone know how these work?
The hubby said to google Housecall, or thinks the website is It’s the free online virus getter from PCcillin… He said you have to download an “agent”? for it (something that’s supposed to allow it to scan your computer), and it may take a while to run through the computer, but it’s good…
I use “Ad-Aware SE Personal” ( and “SpyBot Search and Destroy” ( in addition to McAfee. Between the three they seem to keep everything off my computer. They kind of clean up one after the other.
Should be able too. Downloads don’t take to long if you have a connection other than dial-up. Plus they will clean things up when you run them. I check for updates and run them weekly (or I try too).
Well it looks like I am going to have to take it to a shop to repair it. I tried going to those websites and it just kept on turning off after 45 seconds. So until I get that fixed, I won’t be on the computer on the weekends. grrr.