Very cool..horses..Dancer is home too!

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      Sounds good – happy trails to you


      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      Yay! I hope his back will get better, but if not, he will still be happy with you and your family I’m sure!

      I really hope he will, he is so beautiful and big, and I feel bad for his pain, so I really sincerely hope he can be healed up if only to stop the pain, but with luck he will be ridable again.



        Congrats Kyrin. Wow! Thats alot of new family members! 😆 I hope that gelding heals up.


        skigod377 wrote:

        Congrats Kyrin. Wow! Thats alot of new family members! 😆 I hope that gelding heals up.

        Yeah, I am really excited, and wondering what I am going to name everyone. Only Dancer has a name…any suggestions for a black mare with a white star? I don’t want to name her “Star”, too common. Was considering “Twilight”…what do you guys think?

        As for the sorrel, no clue…and the bay, I think I will wait on both of those guys to see what their personalities are like.



          How sad that they are grown and dont have names yet. Thats ok. It will be fun picking out names. We need pics!! 😆


            We definitely need pics!!! 😀


            Yay! Congrats!
            Yeah, the name thing! You have a favorite book or show? (I was going to use a name from Firefly, but the one name that fit is my niece’s name, so that wont’ work for me 😆 )



            The mare won’t be here until Thursday, so as soon as she gets here, I will take some pictures.

            Most of my pictures of Dancer aren’t digital, so I’ll take some new pictures of him as well. I may go out and take some pictures of the newly fenced up paddock today though.



              Any new snow up your way Kyrin? It started snowing here Friday and didn’t stop ’til yesterday afternoon…. I really miss green…..

              twindragonsmum 😀



              Hmm 16 . 5 hands? 😆

              Congrats on the new horses! We had our first palomino baby ever this year! 3 more babies to come…


              Okay, so today we are going through the paddock and making sure we’ve gathered up all bits of wood, posts, wire panels, etc. We’re almost done, so we think, when we find a few pieces of wire sticking up out of the ground.

              No problem, we’ll just pull ’em up with the truck…nope! Okay, well we need the bulldozer to get the basketball hoop pole out anyway, so let’s get that…clamp on to the wire and pull, 100+ pounds of twisted metal and wire later. So we run the forks through the ground and find a lot more…keep sifting. More we sift, the more we find.

              I now have a big pile of twisted metal and wire, I am so not happy right now. Turns out the previous owner apparently dragged a bunch of furniture out there, burned it up and then buried all the non burnables. Nice.

              We’re at the point of just combing through the rest of it, getting as much as we can and then cutting off the offending wires that we still can’t find the ends of. I’m mad though, how inconsiderate and thoughtless can you get? Ever consider someone might want to use that land for something? Imagine if we’d used a disker…it would have fouled it all up.

              Anyway, now we have to smooth over the ground and clip the wires we couldn’t get, but it’s not good to know that there is probably more wire and metal under there.



                Oh no! At least it sounds like you were able to get most of it out of the ground. I bet the Earth is much happier having that out of her.


                pegasi1978 wrote:

                Oh no! At least it sounds like you were able to get most of it out of the ground. I bet the Earth is much happier having that out of her.

                Yeah, it kinda reminded us of the scene in “Spirited Away”, when Chihiro cleaned all that garbage from the river spirit.

                I am hoping that we got most of it, and that our horses are never harmed by what we missed.



                I am glad you were able to get out as much as you did! Old rusty wire can do damage to an exposed hoof, I imagine! Some people think that they will be the only ones to ever live on the property; you can tell by how they treated it. In our yard, we still find rusty fence bits and nails, pieces of glass washed out from the rain, etc. We’re just glad to get it out of the yard before our dog steps on it. Rusty nail through paw…OUCH!!! Believe me, your horses will appreciate your efforts!


                It’s good you found that stuff before the horses got there. 😯 Can’t wait to see those pics and hear what names you decide on.

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