Home Forums Miscellany Community VERY BAD NEWS!!

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    Hang in there, DM. I know things are really awful – you just have to take it one minute at a time. After my mom died it seemed like the whole world was grey but it slowly got better. There were times even months after her death when the sight of a cardinal (her favorite bird) would make me cry. And there was weird stuff with my younger sister. I tried to remember that everyone handles grief differently and her reactions wouldn’t necessarily be mine (or any other sane person’s, for that matter. No issues here 😉 )

    I found hugging my kitties (and my dog) worked the best. Maybe it will work for you. It is very calming to just sit and pet a cat.

    We are here for you, DM.


      I can feel that my kids know something has happened. I keep telling them that their grandma has passed away not like they understand me but it helps to talk to my cats


        Yeah DM, Hang in there. I know it does not feel like it now, but time heals all wounds. Celebrate your moms life and try not to concentrate on her death. I hope everything works well. Try not to be too hard on your moms daughter. Everyone has different feelings about people and just try to respect hers. Maybe she is really hurting right now and just does not know a different way to deal with it…


          just a quick update I picked up her ashes this morning. I should have the death certificates next week some time


          Gosh DM, how sad. Please remember to take care of yourself too. I know this sounds like bunk now, but it will get better. I lost my Mom 29 years ago, on my 24th birthday and I still miss her but it is with warm happy memories.


            I’m actually doing well so far

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