Home Forums Miscellany Community VERY BAD NEWS!!

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    I’m really sorry to hear that. You have my deepest sympathies. Hang in there!


      I’m so sorry DM. ((((HUGS))))


      I’m so sorry! … you even took time to welcome me in the midst of everything. And your mom has the right of it, ashes should go back to the earth. Sorry again.


        I’m so sorry, DM. It’s so hard to lose a parent. I know that first hand. Just remember we are all here for you. *hugs*


          She wanted to make it to 70 but she would have been 68 on June 5th


            *big hugs* I’m so sorry 🙁


            I’m so sorry, DM *sends hugs*


              My deepest sympathy, DM *hugs*


              Ah damn, I had so hoped you would have more time with her.

              I am so sorry to hear she is gone. If you need us, we’re here. Lots of hugs and supportive thoughts your way.




                thank you all I think it’s still sinking in!!


                  I’m so sorry DM, Louis and I both send you big hugs and warm fuzzies, and well wishes! You know we’re ALL here for you, if you ever need anything, please let us know!! *like a pick me up trip to the factory ;)*

                  As for her ashes, I agree with the sentiments that they should go back to the earth, I don’t think there is anything illegal about it, they let people keep ashes all the time.

                  Chin up, I’m sure Ski will share some of her rocky road 😉


                    The only thing I need from the factory right now are my gold and black gold curlie dragons. I can’t afford them right now, and that is in no way a hint to get them for me, I will get them eventually. My mom did not have much money and if my sister agrees it will be split 3 ways going to my aunt, my sister and me. My aunt was taking care of my mom for the last year.


                      I’m sorry for your loss DM *hugs*

                      Lake Tahoe is pretty good sized. I don’t think it’s illegal, but if you just go hiking off some place with a bundle in your backpack, no one will even be the wiser.

                      We’re here for you if you need us *hugs again*


                      I’m so sorry DM 😥 I had also hoped this wouldn’t happen to you so soon…

                      Good luck with the final arrangements. Hopefully no one will have a problem with something like that. There have been similar last requests that have been honored, I’m sure.

                      You’re getting all my hugs and good feelings today!


                        I am so very sorry for your loss, DM. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

                        After losing my dad in February I have a good idea what you’re going through. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

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