Verizon wireless WTH?!

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        So I went to upgrade my cell phone today because my old one will not hold charge. They tell me at the store that I went over my minutes and my cell bill this month is almost $500! I haven’t gotten a paper bill because I haven’t been home to check the mail. The only people I call are my husbands cell or other people with verizon cell phones. When I get online and look at my cell usage I see that after the second of the month they have charged me for every call I made including ones to other verizon customers. My plan is supposed to have free verizon to verizon phone calls so I’m mad as heck right now. I’ve tried to call the billing line but I keep getting put on hold. I’m so mad right now I could spit! /rant


          Ohh That sucks…I’m sure tho once you get through they will fix it all up, If your plan is what you say it is…it’s their mistake but the only way to fix it is through customer service, the stores can’t do much…ohh and if they try to give you the run around ask to speak to the manager in customer service and if they do the same thing call the head office, i’ve had that happen before….not with verizon tho and I ended up going through the ehad office in the end cause I wasn’t gonna pay them for their mistake.
          I hope it all works out for you in the end 😀



            I agree. Just call them up and let them fix it. I hope it was their mistake. 🙂


              Sprint did that to us… and Cingular too. Cingular was charging my husbands phone for internet useage WHEN he was HOME…(why would you use Media when you are at home and can get on the net from your computer???) and it took going to Sprint to make them drop half the charges… SPRINT said that we were over our minutes after having the phones and service for 2 days and he talked no more than 15 minutes on his phone… I didn’t even use mine! Over 450 dollars they tried pinning on us. After screamin and yelling a manager FINALLY looked at it and said it was wrong. I don’t know how they do that but man, cell companies can really make you mad for charging you for things that you didn’t DO to begin with!

              I hope that everything works out for you!!!


              $500 for a cell phone bill? Dang! That’s about two OWs right there!

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