HI! Oh gosh. I feel embarassed now. *blush* I was told to come say hi. HI GUYS!
Um, well…I’m in the Olympic Peninsula kinda scouting around for a place to stay, which is sketchy cause my travel partner keeps getting work in various other areas that we have to go visit.
The bus was having engine troubles…smoke, overheating, working on only two cylindes, so we sold her on eBay. I’ve seen Windstones sell for more tham she went for. XD We bought a Toyota 4 runner and it’s great. Life has been a grande adventure.
I’ve been working hard on commissions, including a couple from folks here on the forum. Um, life is skittles, life is beer.
I haven’t been posting cause I felt like everytime I did, I was advertising for folks to buy things. I don’t have a lot of net access these days, and no money to by Windstones, and uhhh…nothing of interest to add. Um. Here have a photos not taken by me of my hands on a delicious King Boleta

Heh! I guess that’s that.
Oh yeah. Scotch and Genius are still adorable. http://gatcat.deviantart.com/art/Get-Used-To-It-67915514
More photos of nature and the dogs and hey…one of me. http://gatcat.deviantart.com/gallery/