what is best way to find out values of pieces? have seen same exact pieces on e-bay go for anywhere from 50 to 250 dollars? I have Peacock family (father, mother, young and hatchling. all perfect except for tiny tiny chip on young dragon behind right eye.) also have small wizard (royal blue, holding small brown dragon). siamese flap cat. and a father brown dragon. all dates are 84-86. flap cat is 88. also have a brochure holder with an ’89 brochure that was given to me by a friend who had a retail shop that quit selling the pieces. i dont know how much they are worth and cant really tell by looking on ebay because of the disparity in prices. can anyone help? are there any resources available on the web? Or are they simply worth what someone is willing to give me for them? any help would be greatly appreciated.
First of all, welcome to the forum. 😀 Secondly, for original selling prices, check the catalog at Astral Castle. For current prices, you can PM member littleironhorse. She has a program that has tracked every Windstone sold on E-Bay since October 1, 2006. She can give you average prices.
Welcome to the forum!! Yep, LittleIronHorse can give you the average selling price, but Ebay is a fickle thing. You can sell them on here, but will probably only get about what they will go for on Ebay… since most of us Ebay, too. 🙂