Value Of Windstones

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      Has anyone else noticed a decrease in value of the retired peices? I just scored a whole brown family (basic 4) for $155. Back in the day that would not have happened. Is it just a fluke, or are the peices going for less these days?

      If so, whats the cause? Too many? Attention on the special peices? No money?



        Probably the special pieces. People aren’t going to bother with old brown pieces that are on E-Bay all the time when there are test paints and LE dragons to be had.
        Congrats on the family, by the way!


          Thank you. I just hope they get to me in one peice… or er 4 peices.


          Congrats Ski! I don’t think there is asignificant loss of value. This is also the time of year where people are waiting on taxes, and if you’re like me a seasonal job can kill you when it comes to collecting… 😛
          But now that I am close to getting back onto my own feet, I hope to come back with a vengence… 😈 😆


            Also the American economy is going through a rough patch just now and many people, myself included, are being more careful with their money.


            I hear that! *wonders what money though* 😆 😆
            I wanna tell Bush…”GIMME MY 600 BUCKS NOW!!!” 😛 😆 😆


              I need my money too


                I’ve noticed that groups like that family tend to go for less than the price of the pieces individually.


                  Money, where?! I need some! I wish I knew how much Bush is gonna give me but I’m not sure if my husband will get any since he is on disability.


                    purpledoggy wrote:

                    Money, where?! I need some! I wish I knew how much Bush is gonna give me but I’m not sure if my husband will get any since he is on disability.

                    They are basing it off of your 2007 income tax filing. You can find out more about it at just click “Rebate Questions” next to the Stimulus Payment logo.


                      I have a headache after reading that 😥


                        I think there are many factors.

                        The American economy is stuttering a bit- it may bounce back or it may get worse. Average Joe with normal household income is holding onto his money a bit tighter than usual because of economic worry and the rising costs of everything (Gas is going way up this summer, and when gas goes up the cost of everything goes up, since it’s more expensive to transport it).

                        Jan-Feb-March tends to be the worst sales months for most people, myself included- people are paying off credit card from Christmas, paying their taxes, waiting on refunds (lucky devils), paying heating bills (owch), and seasonal workers are either just ending their jobs or waiting for their job to begin.

                        ‘Lots’ such as family groups tend to go for less than if they were individually listed.

                        There have been a lot of special Windstones on eBay lately since Melody is trying to get them listed before the move. It’s possible that those with money to spare on pieces are going for the special ones right now.

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                        My art:


                          I think all the special pieces are a big factor. I expect prices to bounce back on the other pieces once the test paints are out of the way. People are sitting and waiting hoping to get that one special sculpt. 🙂


                            That was a good price! Congrats Ski! 😀

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