
Value of emerald young dragon (mint)

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Value of emerald young dragon (mint)

  • This topic has 8 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Bob.
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  • #489266


    How much is a mint emerald young dragon going for these days?

    This question was posted on the Windstone Livejournal site and I thought littleironhorse could pull out her database again. 🙂


      I paid $120 for mine from Headlines.


      I think I paid $60 for mine. I know Nirvana paid around $200 for the one with the orange eyes. I would say they are worth between $120-$150. Did you send Littleironhorse a PM?


        Average selling price is $113.00 (2 sold in mint condition on ebay since Oct. 1st, 2006)


        dragonessjade wrote:

        I think I paid $60 for mine. I know Nirvana paid around $200 for the one with the orange eyes. I would say they are worth between $120-$150. Did you send Littleironhorse a PM?

        I wanna see apic of the one with the orange eyes.


          they are real wierd looking in my opinion. I saw a few on e-bay a little while back and I did not like them as much as the red eyes


          Thanks LIH & all!

          LIH, thanks for posting your reply on the Windstone Livejournal site also.


            all these prices sound realonable. I paid $75 for my white young on eright after they got retired but that was a few years ago

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