Updated – Scared to death…

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      Been in Utah for a coupla weeks to see if I’d be a good candidate for a nueral stimulator to help stop the atrocious pain in my feet. Last night the phone call was: not yet, but we’ll keep you on the stand by list… you never know what could happen between now and Monday…: THIS morning i’m no longer stand by, i go in at 12:00 in IDAHO. How come they keep me running back and forth between Utah and Idaho??? Trying to get everything packed up and headed home to Idaho this evening. Needless to say,I’m scared SPITLESS (not super-duper brave over here) I feel like a turkey getting one of those pop up buttons put in to say when yer done cookin’… Not to mention that it’s going in my SPINAL COLUM… geeze louise, now me boyohs are calling my the “Bionic Woman” THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT SHOW IS ABOUT – THEY’VE NEVER SEEN IT! i bet roddy put ’em up to it…. *sigh*

      the scared spitless and scared shi-less

      i changed my mind i don’t want to do this unless someone comes and holds my hand… please, please, please… Melody, how ’bout you? PLEASE!!!!!!




        OHMYGOSH! This is a scary good thing though! I would hold you hand! I’ll be sending all my good feeling, prayers, and thoughts your way!


          I agree! TDM, I’m sending you mental thoughts to wake up the strength and courage you have in you. You can do it! We are all behind you! Didn’t know you had your very own cheering squad did you? 🙂


            Oh gosh. I would if I could!
            But there isn’t any reason to be so frightened.
            Call the hosp and ask to talk to the doc, or whoever is doing the procedure and tell them about your anxiety!
            When I went in for surgery I was the same way… but the person who was overseeing the procedure called me and explained every single step, and what I would feel like. It did made a HUGE difference in my anxiety level.
            Are you going to have an internet device with you? Maybe we can chat, or at least I can email you while you are there?


              I agree! TDM, I’m sending you mental thoughts to wake up the strength and courage you have in you. You can do it! We are all behind you! Didn’t know you had your very own cheering squad did you? 🙂

              I totally agree :D. We are all cheering for you! 😀


              I hope everything goes well, I know for a fact that it will 🙂


              I would be scared too! Goodness… I hope for the very best outcome for you!


                HUGZ 🙁 I hope you get your anxiety worked out! Surgery is never a fun prospect, but you gotta think about how much better you will feel when it is all said and done.


                Well I’ll give you all the best support that I can over the internet! I agree with Melody, talk with the people there, maybe they can do something to help!


                It will be okay, hang in there! We’re all rooting for you.


                Diana L

                  {{HUGS}} You will do just fine and the end result will be your goal. Chin up girl and we’ll all watch for you when you come back or take a computer with you.


                    Hey TDM!
                    You can do this! The procedure seems really scary, but it’s not that bad, I promise! And soooo many of my patients who have gotten one swear it’s the best thing for their intractable pain. Just think about not having pain, and you can get through it!

                    Keeper of the Fledgings


                      Awe sweety, I wish I could give you a big ol’ husky hug! We are all here for you in spirit! You are stronger than you know I’d wager, and I would imagine your sons will be your rocks. I hope for the best for you!

                      Warm hugs & howls from all of us here!!!!!!


                        My best thoughts are heading your way! *hugs*


                        Praying everything goes perfectly and this leads into a wonderful pain-free life for you!!

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