*Update* Now I'm uninvited to my own baby shower!

Home Forums Miscellany Community *Update* Now I'm uninvited to my own baby shower!

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    purpledoggy wrote:

    Like my husband said its just another grandparent that will never see our child. He already disowned his father so she will never get to see him. If my mom wants to act this way then she can have fun not seeing her first grandchild. I will not let my baby go thru what I had to endure growing up with her as a mother. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

    Right on! You’ve got every right to make that decision, and more power to you for doing so. But purplecat is right: now’s the time for you and your husband to put together a game plan, and decide how you are going to protect yourselves and your child if your mother does this or that. (I would dearly love to send you a coupon for twenty-four hours of surveillance at your door by me and a big stick, but I can’t guarantee that I could get off of work. 😕 Rats. I had such a nice stick picked out, too.)

    Purplecat, I just about choked when you related having to go to blows to protect your son from your mother. 😯 Good Lord. Well, I’m glad you won! And it’s clear that you did what had to be done. It takes two people to fight, so she was out to harm you, and there’s no telling what might have happened if she’d gotten a hold of your boy. 👿 Glad you’re the better fighter!


      I’m glad you’re getting your baby shower. Hopefully it will go well. I’m sorry your mom is being such a pain. Just know that we are here for you, whatever you decide to do.

      All this discussion makes me appreciate my mom all the more. 😀


        Barrdwing wrote:

        purpledoggy wrote:

        Like my husband said its just another grandparent that will never see our child. He already disowned his father so she will never get to see him. If my mom wants to act this way then she can have fun not seeing her first grandchild. I will not let my baby go thru what I had to endure growing up with her as a mother. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

        Right on! You’ve got every right to make that decision, and more power to you for doing so. But purplecat is right: now’s the time for you and your husband to put together a game plan, and decide how you are going to protect yourselves and your child if your mother does this or that. (I would dearly love to send you a coupon for twenty-four hours of surveillance at your door by me and a big stick, but I can’t guarantee that I could get off of work. 😕 Rats. I had such a nice stick picked out, too.)

        Purplecat, I just about choked when you related having to go to blows to protect your son from your mother. 😯 Good Lord. Well, I’m glad you won! And it’s clear that you did what had to be done. It takes two people to fight, so she was out to harm you, and there’s no telling what might have happened if she’d gotten a hold of your boy. 👿 Glad you’re the better fighter!

        Not really, I only raised my hand to her once when she nearly knocked his carrier carseat into the floor when he wasnt even buckled. It’s the only time I’ve ever raised my hand to her…mostly I was blocking her from the carseat or hunkered over him protecting him from her….I was to scared to strike her. I thought I was gonna die of fright, we’d lost our first child through miscarraige and I was soooo scared something was gonna happen to him…as it was he was really fragile cause it was a really rough delivery and his collarbone broke when he came out (I tore too…ouch…) 😯 Sorry I’m not as tough as I sound…


          You sound plenty tough Purple. You’re strong enough to know what is good for you and your baby. You’re strong enough to know when to say “no more”.


            I’m glad you will get to go after all

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