*Update* Now I'm uninvited to my own baby shower!

Home Forums Miscellany Community *Update* Now I'm uninvited to my own baby shower!

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      Come and get me too. I would definitely have some things to say to PD’s mom!! 😈

      Then on to the Factory!!! 😆


        Swing down by south FL and pick me up I want to be on the bus also. PD it sounds like you have received some very good advise from some very smart and knowledgable people so like GB said – DITTO

        PC it sounds like you did the right thing after what she did to you I would be afraid to have her around my baby. Its hard to believe a mother would beat her daughter up like that.


          Blah so I finally got some nasty emails from my mom about this baby shower. She sent me an email saying she just cleaned out the garage (after I told her I wasn’t going). So I replied back to her if its still in the garage I’m not going. Well she sent me a couple more emails within 5 minutes time…..

          i am having the shower in the garage. are you coming over to pick up the gifts
          at the end or what.

          if it is niec like today we will have it at the picnic tables.

          if you feel stongly that this will hurt your baby. dont worry everyone will
          understand. it isjust that i have already sent out invites and i dont have
          phone no. for some people to call and canel so just come and pick the gifts up
          at 2;00. they will leave by then anyway. and i forgot i already got your gift
          the crib. i gave dan 200 dollars. see ya then love ,mom,.

          So after the last email she called me up and wanted to know what was going on. I told her I’m not going if its in the garage and why don’t you just have it at my house (I live 10 minutes away). She wouldn’t let me talk and every time I tried to say something she would talk over me so I got mad. I told her this is not about her its about my baby. Every time I tried to offer a second location she would start yelling and talking over me. So now its gone from being in the garage to being outside. I just can’t get over how she is acting. I told her to have fun at her baby shower which shut her up real quick. I’m so mad I could punch something.


            You’re a lot more patient than I am… I wouldn’t even have answered the phone.


            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              My husband is flaming now because she told me who all is coming to my shower and it was supposed to be a surprise. I had to pull his internet connection because he was about to send a nasty email to her.


              Sheesh! Well she’s trying a little, but still being a donkey.

              Don’t sweat it. Let her have her absentee baby shower, you will have your real one with your mother in law.




                She just called me up and said its going to be at my grandmothers house now. So I guess I’ll get my baby shower after all its just stupid it had to come to all this drama. I was being mean and tried to lay a guilt trip on her and told her she put me into preterm labor (I was having contractions for two days after all this). I know I’m mean and shouldn’t sink to her level .


                  purpledoggy wrote:

                  She just called me up and said its going to be at my grandmothers house now. So I guess I’ll get my baby shower after all its just stupid it had to come to all this drama. I was being mean and tried to lay a guilt trip on her and told her she put me into preterm labor (I was having contractions for two days after all this). I know I’m mean and shouldn’t sink to her level .

                  I’m glad to hear the shower has been moved to an appropriate location now. It might have been mean laying the guilt trip on your mother, but she needs to know her irrational actions/behavior have consequences for other people, not just herself.


                    Aaargh! She sounds just like mine….sigh…be strong, be stubborn, hold your ground. She’s an ass, it is as simple as that. Change your email and move without a foreward address for her. that’s my advice. so sorry if it’s to drastic.


                      I just want to know why all the places I told her were not good enough. I think its funny she had to go and tell me all the people that were going to come (the one’s I didn’t know about). I know she just did it to ruin the surprise. My husband is so mad since he tried so hard to get emails out to those people without me knowing about it.


                        I know this is a hard thing to accept but nothing you ever do would be good enough for her. The reason why is because she doesn’t want to be happy with you. You could be a hugely successful whatever and she’d still snipe at you, it’s a part of who she is from the sound of it. Some people are just that way…She’ll give you absolute hell when the baby is born. 😕 🙁


                          Like my husband said its just another grandparent that will never see our child. He already disowned his father so she will never get to see him. If my mom wants to act this way then she can have fun not seeing her first grandchild. I will not let my baby go thru what I had to endure growing up with her as a mother. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


                            Do you have a plan? And, once you do cut her off, it will be hard to stick to it sometimes. Especially if she shows up at your door or something. 😯 We moved because I was afraid my mother would come and just take my son if he was out in the yard playing without me, she harbors resentment and hate for long periods of time. I got phone harassment for a while…I’d pick up the phone to a string of cursing on a regular basis. 😯


                            purplecat wrote:

                            Do you have a plan? And, once you do cut her off, it will be hard to stick to it sometimes. Especially if she shows up at your door or something. 😯 We moved because I was afraid my mother would come and just take my son if he was out in the yard playing without me, she harbors resentment and hate for long periods of time. I got phone harassment for a while…I’d pick up the phone to a string of cursing on a regular basis. 😯

                            That is so scary Purplecat. And so sad too, that your mother couldn’t be a better person. I am so grateful for mine, hearing about the kind of parents some of us were unlucky enough to get.



                              Kyrin wrote:

                              That is so scary Purplecat. And so sad too, that your mother couldn’t be a better person. I am so grateful for mine, hearing about the kind of parents some of us were unlucky enough to get.

                              Hear, hear!

                              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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