Unicorns and Pegasi on ebay

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      Hi Melody,

      Can we expect to see any Unicorns or Pegasi on ebay anytime in the near future? Inquiring minds would love to know!!!:wink:



          Yes please! There have been so many more dragons and griffins compared to the hoofers.


            Yeah I agree, I would love to have a chance to get a OOAK Unicorn… 😀



              starbreeze wrote:

              Hi Melody,

              Can we expect to see any Unicorns or Pegasi on ebay anytime in the near future? Inquiring minds would love to know!!!:wink:What I will be doing the next week or two is getting a ton of test paints of stuff we have sitting around ready to put on ebay. We don’t want to pack it and schlep it to Oregon, so you may be seeing a lot of odd stuff on Ebay soon. I don’t think there are many of hoofed things among these pieces though, just a few gothic unicorns and a kirin or two.


                You can box them up and ship them to my house 😉


                I’d be more than happy to take some off your hands so you don’t have to schlep them! 😉 😆 (especially if you run across any of the penguin prints)


                Melody wrote:

                starbreeze wrote:

                Hi Melody,

                Can we expect to see any Unicorns or Pegasi on ebay anytime in the near future? Inquiring minds would love to know!!!:wink:What I will be doing the next week or two is getting a ton of test paints of stuff we have sitting around ready to put on ebay. We don’t want to pack it and schlep it to Oregon, so you may be seeing allot of odd stuff on Ebay soon. I don’t think there are allot of hoofed things among these pieces though, just a few gothic unicorns and a kirin or two.

                At the rate I’m feeling, I’m ready to splurge a little, so go ahead and post a gothic unicorn!

                Speaking of which-have you found the gothic unicorn mold yet? 😉


                  Melody wrote:

                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Hi Melody,

                  Can we expect to see any Unicorns or Pegasi on ebay anytime in the near future? Inquiring minds would love to know!!!:wink:What I will be doing the next week or two is getting a ton of test paints of stuff we have sitting around ready to put on ebay. We don’t want to pack it and schlep it to Oregon, so you may be seeing allot of odd stuff on Ebay soon. I don’t think there are allot of hoofed things among these pieces though, just a few gothic unicorns and a kirin or two.

                  Thanks Melody!!! You know you can always schlep something my way too!!! 😆


                  Schlep me a griffin, schlep me a griffin! Name your price!! 😆


                    With so many, maybe I actually have a chance at getting something! 😆


                      I hear yah…..we can always hope!!! 😉


                        schlep me some mermaids…LOL

                        I figure since everyone else was saying something I would too.. 😀


                          Schlep me everything left over. 😆


                            eaglefeather831 wrote:

                            Melody wrote:

                            starbreeze wrote:

                            Hi Melody,

                            Can we expect to see any Unicorns or Pegasi on ebay anytime in the near future? Inquiring minds would love to know!!!:wink:What I will be doing the next week or two is getting a ton of test paints of stuff we have sitting around ready to put on ebay. We don’t want to pack it and schlep it to Oregon, so you may be seeing a lot of odd stuff on Ebay soon. I don’t think there are lots of hoofed things among these pieces though, just a few gothic unicorns and a kirin or two.

                            At the rate I’m feeling, I’m ready to splurge a little, so go ahead and post a gothic unicorn!

                            Speaking of which-have you found the gothic unicorn mold yet? 😉We did!

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