
Ungrateful people/ was rough way to wake up

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      I literally fell out of bed this morning!
      It’s 3:50AM, I woke up to sounds of my son coughing like he’s going to be sick.
      I grad my glasses, throw the covers off and put one foot on the floor.
      On my way up in the momentum as I’m rounding the foot of the bed, I slip and fall. The glasses go flying!
      I manage to get back up just as fast but don’t make it on time for my son.
      No sooner do I get him cleaned up and the bed changed, as I’m giving my son some water, I hear the cat starting to be sick too.
      So off I go running to the livingroom to make sure he’s not sick on the sofa or the carpet.
      What a way to wake up.

      Now at this point of writing this I hear Michel starting over again so I push the chair away from the desk and start to run back to him when I stip (but don’t fall) on the phone cord for the dial-up connection and rip the wire right out. All that is left is the bare wires with the little box for the extention is separated from it. Fuck! Can anything else go wrong!
      Luckely I have another of those extentions. So I find it in a box and reconnect it to the computer only to then freeze the computer. Have to restart computer and rewrite all this. πŸ™„
      This is my second day back to work after two weeks of not working and no pay with the exception of one day in the middle of it.
      Now I have to cancel. πŸ™

      I need a coffee! Oh I think I have one in the car that I didn’t drink yesterday(I don’t have coffee at home so I have to get it at the corner store all the time)
      (Ok Raven stop butting my arm with your head, you make me mispell and I have to start over). πŸ˜†
      Hope the day will be better then this morning. :scratch:
      Now off in the cold to go see if that coffee is in that car. πŸ˜‰



          Girl, I think I’d need a coffee IV! Take care, ‘kay?

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Oh geez…Sounds like you did have a rough start. I hope that coffee was there…And I agree an IV drip of caffeine sounds really good to me. πŸ˜‰
          Hang in there! **BIG hugs**


            Yikes, I would not be a happy camper with that kind of start. Hugs hun!!


              Jasmine wrote:

              Yikes, I would not be a happy camper with that kind of start. Hugs hun!!

              Oh it didn’t put me in a bad mood but I’m exausted tonight.
              I did send my son to school after all, around 9:30AM since he was feeling great. This happens alot with him. That is why I keep a container under is bed….saves me time. πŸ˜‰
              I went to work and then when I came back I took 90% of the snow of my roof since I couldn’t close my door this morning and lock it. πŸ™
              There was 17 inches thick of snow and ice on that roof…no wonder! πŸ˜†
              Now I have to shovel that snow of my deck and the ramp for Michel. I’ll do the ramp but the front deck can wait until tomorrow. (if my arms take it, I have cronic tendonitis in the right shoulder and bursitis in the left. Feel like the bones are grinding together right now.)
              I have 3 houses to clean tomorrow so it will be after that.
              I took pictures and will post them. The snow on the deck in front of the door is all the way to my upper chest!
              The owner should do that since it wasn’t even my responsibility to do the roof.
              I also did part of hers where it was thick. Hope she appreciates it. :scratch:

              All I can say is man I had a busy day! πŸ™„


                I did that once–fall out of bed and I wasn’t trying to wake up! Man, talk about a rude awakening! I have 2 dogs that get in bed with me and you know how they systematically push you closer and closer to the edge? Well I did half way wake up and it was then I fell off the bed–was at the edge and just moving made me fall! I now push doggies to the center of the bed–no pushing mommy off the bed now! XD :spank:


                  LadyFirebird wrote:

                  I did that once–fall out of bed and I wasn’t trying to wake up! Man, talk about a rude awakening! I have 2 dogs that get in bed with me and you know how they systematically push you closer and closer to the edge? Well I did half way wake up and it was then I fell off the bed–was at the edge and just moving made me fall! I now push doggies to the center of the bed–no pushing mommy off the bed now! XD :spank:

                  I’m glad I only have cats then πŸ˜†


                    Oh my, That is rough! I hope that this morning was better for you! *hugs*


                    Blackdesertwind wrote:

                    LadyFirebird wrote:

                    I did that once–fall out of bed and I wasn’t trying to wake up! Man, talk about a rude awakening! I have 2 dogs that get in bed with me and you know how they systematically push you closer and closer to the edge? Well I did half way wake up and it was then I fell off the bed–was at the edge and just moving made me fall! I now push doggies to the center of the bed–no pushing mommy off the bed now! XD :spank:

                    I’m glad I only have cats then πŸ˜†

                    My cat is the master at pushing Colin off the bed. She starts on my side, then slowly moves so that I move towards Colin… at about 2am I get woken up by Colin almost falling off the bed…. man am I glad she likes my side!!! πŸ˜†

                    And that does sound like a rather rough start to the morning… I’d need that caffeine IV too after that… and I’d be feeling like 😈 all day afterwards….


                    No animals allowed in my bedroom. Although my brother’s Rottie decided to lay across my legs one night when I was house sitting, and when I woke up I couldn’t feel anything from the knees down. I think I would have had that dog push me out of bed. That is a horrible thing to wake up to knowing that people have woken up paralyzed before like that. πŸ˜†


                      😑 Ungrateful landlady!
                      I saved her a bondle for removing the snow of my roof and part of hers and she phones me to say I have to revove the rest of the snow on the deck or it will ruin it.
                      I haven’t yet because I can barely lift my arms right now due to the tendonitis and bursitis in my shoulders.
                      It’s ovious she wont help even if I did all the work on the roof and it wasn’t my responcibility to do so.
                      She even said it wasn’t a good idea to remove it.
                      Allo 17 inches of snow and ice mixed in on a roof is not a good idea. If it rains again like the other day when we had the ice storm it could collapse, so I was trying to prevent that specialy since it’s our lives that would suffer not hers. GRRRRR! πŸ‘Ώ


                        well I’m done. I just took of all the snow of the deck. But next time they can remove the snow of the roof themselves! 😑
                        Sorry I need to vent. I don’t mean to target you guys. Not that anyone cares really. What is it some say? Nobody cares about your problems, they have enough of their own. πŸ˜‰


                        Naw, we care. And it’s always good to vent. Your no good landlady needs a smack up the side of the head. πŸ‘Ώ

                        As they say, no good deed goes unpunished!


                          Thanks Dragon.
                          That deck mesures 23 feet x 8 feet up to my waist since it packed down from the other day and I did it in about 2 hours not bad.
                          Sometimes I’m my worst enemy though…I know I’ll pay for it again tomorrow.
                          But it helped me with my frustration with her….cursing her the whole time. πŸ™‚
                          I have a tendency to do physical work when I’m mad or frustrated. So if you see me do housework or digging in a frensy you know that there is something wrong. πŸ˜†

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