Ultra Sound. Is It A Boy or Girl?

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      Laurie wrote:

      I like Irelyn Laurie (pronounced La Ree) 8) J/K I like it too. 😉

      Thats actually pretty… Laree…

      Thank you everyone!

      And my last name DOES start with a K!! No IDK or ICK initials, I guess. 😆 Hmmmm… ILK….


        skigod377 wrote:

        And my last name DOES start with a K!! No IDK or ICK initials, I guess. 😆 Hmmmm… ILK….

        Oh, no!! It was just a shot in the dark… 😮 One of my friends named his son ANW, and I was instantly laughing my head off! I had to explain the A&W rootbeer thing to him, and the poor kid is stuck with being ‘rootbeer’ for all eternity! XD


        Congratulations Ski! 😀


          Look at me. I’m SMB. Small/Medium Business. Har. Destiny set at birth.


            Before I married I was LAD, now I’m LDH. Sounds like a mental disease. XD


              I was JH before I got married (no middle name). Now I’m JHH. We goofed a little with Gavin. He’s GAH, but that’s not too bad.


                Laurie wrote:

                Before I married I was LAD, now I’m LDH. Sounds like a mental disease. XD

                Or an illigal substance!! 😀


                Oops…Chloe’s initials are CAR….I hope nobody notices! 😳


                  My sister is Kathryn Lee Kleypas. She was almost I think it was Kathryn Karen Kleypas but they then realized that her initials would be KKK and decided against it. I wonder why???


                    You could just name your kids like this.


                      Snapdragon wrote:

                      You could just name your kids like this.

                      Why o why do parents do that? I think it is just so wrong. By the time the kid is old enough to change it himself, damage will have been done. Poor baby. Idiot parents.


                        Those poor little kids!! Those parents have got some serious issues. With attitudes like that, how will they raise them? Poor things don’t have a chance at a normal childhood. Heaven knows what’ll happen when they start school!! 🙁

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