Ultra Sound. Is It A Boy or Girl?

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      GB, I dont think it means anything, but yes, its kind of a dirivative of Ireland. I think the
      lyn on the end makes it more a name and less a vacation paradise…or at least I hope so. I made it up, kinda, and went to go see what it meant, but it wasnt in any of the name databases I went to. Hopefully that means its unique.

      And of course I made her… with whatever it was Paul gave me to work with. 😆


        Typical male involvement. Starts with a beer and ends with whatever can be accomplished while lying down or sleeping. 😆


          You ain’t just whistlin Dixie! 😀


            Ski, I’m so glad it’s a girl!!! I’m soooo happy for you and Paul!!!! 🙂

            That’s a pretty name too!! :yes:


            Irelyn is a beautiful name! I have never seen Cloe spelled like that-is it pronounced “Chlo “e” with a long “e” or with no “e” sound?


              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              Irelyn is a beautiful name! I have never seen Cloe spelled like that-is it pronounced “Chlo “e” with a long “e” or with no “e” sound?

              No ‘e’ sound 🙂 I like Irelyn Cloe (pronounced Cloh) but I have not run that by Paul yet. Do you guys think its too silly?


              skigod377 wrote:

              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              Irelyn is a beautiful name! I have never seen Cloe spelled like that-is it pronounced “Chlo “e” with a long “e” or with no “e” sound?

              No ‘e’ sound 🙂 I like Irelyn Cloe (pronounced Cloh) but I have not run that by Paul yet. Do you guys think its too silly?

              Nope! I like the name, it’s unique. 😀


              Dragon87 wrote:

              skigod377 wrote:

              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              Irelyn is a beautiful name! I have never seen Cloe spelled like that-is it pronounced “Chlo “e” with a long “e” or with no “e” sound?

              No ‘e’ sound 🙂 I like Irelyn Cloe (pronounced Cloh) but I have not run that by Paul yet. Do you guys think its too silly?

              Nope! I like the name, it’s unique. 😀

              Yes, I like it too! 8)


                I like Irelyn Laurie (pronounced La Ree) 8) J/K I like it too. 😉


                  Congrats and that is a beautiful and unique name




                      Many congrats, Ski 😀 ! What a pretty name, too.


                        Congrats! What’s the last name start with? (You don’t want to end up with, um, say ICK for initials or she’ll really get picked on!) 🙄 Or am I the only one who worries about initials? 😳


                          OMG!!!! I didn’t even think about that!! 😕 XD


                            That’s funny because I believe Ski’s last name does start with a K… but that could be the maiden name and no longer an issue.

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