Ukranian eggs –progress shots & done!

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  • #601568

    Wow! I really like the sky in the unicorn one. Nice work! πŸ˜€


    Awesome, I really like the dragon one. Of course I am partial to dragons.


    Varnished & blown!
    (and bigger pic of the unicorn)
    Dragon is Koishii’s Frostfire (sort of πŸ˜‰ )


    Wow! Those are simply stunning; so elegant and delicate looking yet powerful artistry. I love them and find your talent more than impressive! ::bows before thee, grabs your hand placing it on my head saying “teach me master!”::


      Since it’s kinda on the topic of Ukrainian Easter eggs…

      The Worlds Largest Pysanka

      It is from a small town up around the Edmonton area called Vegreville. It’s also on a pivot so that it spins around when the wind blows 😯


        Wow those are too cool. Love the dragon one.


        Haha Fox! That made me laugh out loud! πŸ™‚


        foxfeather wrote:

        Since it’s kinda on the topic of Ukrainian Easter eggs…

        The Worlds Largest Pysanka

        It is from a small town up around the Edmonton area called Vegreville. It’s also on a pivot so that it spins around when the wind blows 😯

        I’d like to see that–from a safe distance where I wouldn’t feel I’m liable to be crushed by a falling egg! πŸ˜†


          😯 😯 It could hatch out a black and yellow-gold dragon!!! Aaaahhh!! Giant egg!! We’re all gonna die!!! 😯 😯


            πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

            Vegreville is about a 3hr drive from my place, so I’ve gotten to see it quite a few times. No danger of it falling πŸ˜‰ I think it’s actually one of the nicest “Largest —-” I’ve seen. And the community makes sure that it’s kept in perfect condition.

            I remembered it cause it was featured on ‘Daily Planet’ A science news type show on Discovery Channel up here. It was one of the first to use computer modeling to be built, 33 years ago, and it’s Blck, Gold and silver cause back then they couldn’t get the reds and blues to stay in the aluminium for more than a few years.


            That is one giant egg. 😯


            When I first read your line of “the world’s largest” and started scrolling down and saw a bit of the egg, I was thinking, “Is there an egg larger than ostrich? Maybe it’s the largest ostrich egg.” Then I saw the trees in the background… πŸ˜†


              Well, I commissioned an egg from boskydragon and it arrived today….boy, do I LOVE it! Bosky, can you put up a picture, so everyone can see it? It’s really wonderful πŸ˜€


              Aw, cool. I wanna see it. πŸ˜€

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