Ukranian eggs –progress shots & done!

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      I like the tiger one! I saw a thing about this technique of decorating eggs on reading rainbow, it is soooo cool!


        I used to do this, when I was young! I think my mom still has my green yellow and blue one with a traditional star. You do the best work I’ve seen on eggs. Wow! I’ve got to show Melody, she’d love this.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


          If you or your Mom ever decide to sell, let me know….I would love one: -)


            Those are fantastic!! I don’t see how you can get the perfectly clean straight light lines though.. painting with wax? Doesn’t it get all blobby??


              Melody wrote:

              Those are fantastic!! I don’t see how you can get the perfectly clean straight light lines though.. painting with wax? Doesn’t it get all blobby??

              If you use the right kind of wax and use the tool for it, it comes out thin and nice, but not too thin that it runs. 🙂 It’s like a metal scoop with a funnel that leads to a tiny nozzle, and you use that to draw. I don’t know the correct term.

              A Kistka!

              That’s what the one I used to use looked like.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


              HP #7 arrived at 2:30, so I’ve been immersed…
              Yes indeed, you use a kistka, which you can kinda see in the 4th & 5th pictures. But, if you get it too hot, the wax does go all blobby! Then you have to try to incorporate that into the design, ’cause once it’s on there it is there to stay. (If the kistka gets too cold, the wax hardens and you get sketchy lines.) And if you look closely, some lines are straighter than others. That’s one reason why lines are decorated with “wolves’ teeth” (open triangles, which stand for protection) or “Mary’s tears” (dots) to hide imperfections while making the design more elaborate.
              Peg: you should definitely get into it, and it’s something your kids can do too (I did my first egg at age 7 and my sister was 5!).
              Lamortefille: 😳 I’ve never sold any art before, so it seems way odd, but I’d certainly sell you one. It’s simultaneously cool & embarrasing!


                Those eggs are beautiful! And the process you use to make them is very interesting. Can’t wait to see photos of the new ones 🙂


                Those are beautiful!

                I remember doing them in high school! Though, we blew the eggs out (what dizzy-enducing fun) and just kept the empty eggs down with crossed sticks and clothes-pins. I wish I still had mine..


                  at the time, we had a bit fire place with a flat I took the crayons and put them in a cofe tin, put the tin on the fire place, and I never got to try it because mom saw me before they all melted..
                  oh she was not very happt.


                  New eggs, still in progress:

                  with the dye on you can see the flaws in the egg where the dye doesn’t take as well…some eggs have ’em, some don’t.


                    Oh, I like the bottom left!


                      Wow, that is neat!!!

                      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                      Very cool.


                      Unicorn & dragon eggs are done. Not overly happy, forgot some cardinal rules, like don’t put white next to yellow 🙄 . Also, on the dragon egg, the wax didn’t seal well, so there was some color seepage (like the white lines edged in green) which make it look not very clean. Usually this happens if the egg is cold or wet, but it wasn’t so I don’t know what happened. 😕 😡 🙁


                        Those are beautiful! 😀

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