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    well i havent eaten for two and a half days..nor slept in two..why? because one of my molars has a huge crater in it and its so damn sensative i cant even open my mouth to talk and of course it happens when i have absolutely no money to be able to go see a unfortunatly..i am stuck here..ina gony..waiting for it to fall out or just die so i can enjoy my sad little life again -_-



    Ouch, you just never catch a break do you? I guess my advice would be apply ice, or heat which ever helps you. And as soon as you can afford it get to the dentist.


      Try some oil of cloves too. Make sure it’s pure essential oil. A drop or two on the toothe should help. Get to the dentist as soon as you can and get it taken care of since there is a link between tooth decay and heart attack.




        I don’t know why clove oil works but it does. The dentist used that on me when I had an infected dry socket after having my wisdom teeth removed. Also can you get any of that Anbesol(sp) from the store. It seems to work pretty well.


        i have used so much ambesol its a miracle im not out cold due to the (cannot control my vocabulary) it doesnt help…im just plain miserable right now


        Call up your local dentist on Monday and ask them if they can work out some kind of payment plan for you, since you need help now. Many small town dentists are really great, my husband broke a tooth a couple weeks ago and ended up with a jagged edge that was cutting him, though the tooth didn’t really hurt. He went to the dentist down the street and he ground it down so it wouldn’t bother him and only charged him $15, no exam fee, or anything. He understood about the no money thing and was willing to help.

        My motto is, it never hurts to ask!

        If it is really unbearable, you might want to consider the emergency room, but the bills there will be much worse, so I’d try to make it to Monday.

        Hang in there, I know what you’re going through, when I was pregnant with Karli, I had a molar go south and everything hurt and they were trying to make me wait until Karli was born! Which was 2 months away, I told them no way…and they pulled it for me. It was only $120, and they let me make payments…the cost may not be as bad as you think.



          I wish you the best of luck. I also have all sorts of dental work I need to get done but can’t even afford to go to his office much less get in the chair right now!!


          Gosh… Am I glad I live in Finland! Here it seems so easy to arrange a dentist even when you’re broke.

          I have never had any problems at all with my teeth so I can’t really give any advice… But I’m glad to see that so many other people have given you some good tips.
          I can only wish you got rid of this nasty problem as soon as possible. Strenght to you.


            twindragonsmum wrote:

            Try some oil of cloves too. Make sure it’s pure essential oil. A drop or two on the toothe should help. Get to the dentist as soon as you can and get it taken care of since there is a link between tooth decay and heart attack.


            What could happen is an infection sets in where the tooth is rotting away. The bacteria gets caught up in the bloodstream and carried all over the body where it can set up in the organs, like the kidneys or the heart.

            Bad teeth have been linked to kidney and heart disease pretty reliably in animals.


            ouch! I feel your pain….both of my back molars have cavities ( I guess that’s what they are, they have formed holes all along the gum line so it feels like a shelf) that have gotten so bad that i have to chew gum after everything I eat to get the food out…talk about yuk.

            My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


              I agree with Kyrin, call a local dentist or 4 and see if any will take payments. NO ONE should have to go through any kind of pain because they are not a millionair or don’t have medical/dental insurance!
              If it isn’t a major tooth, have it pulled, its cheaper that way… I had one kinda do that to me and didn’t have insurance at the time and I just had it pulled since what they wanted to do to it would have been the same amount as a down payment on a NICE car!!!


                You poor thing. Don’t suppose your gf has a pair of pliers handy? Just kidding, go to a professional.


                  I hope you find a cheap dentist that can take payments. Can you find a place that provides medical and dental?


                    I agree with Kyrin call your dentist and see if he/she will work out a payment plan for you. Something like this is nothing to fool around with it can poison your whole system. If your dentist won’t help you see if you can find a nearby dental school they will do the work much cheaper.

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