UGH….first broken windstone in the mail….

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      LOL…yeah….it does suck…because he is in perfect condition…except that the dragon was broken off….

      but the guy was really nice about it after that first email…we came to an agreement…and now i just need to let someone fix him up….the line where the dragon is reattached and the dragon’s toe need to be adjusted and then the dragon needs some paint…

      I’ll have to talk with a few people that like to fix them up….I’m not in the mood for that much work right now….LOL


        Good for you! I think this is the quickest resolution we’ve seen. 😀


          LOL…I know…I’m pretty agreeable though….


            Sorry Frozen…any Windstones I win on Ebay, I’m sending the packing instructions to them. Hell, I’d be willing to pay a little extra for double boxing, just for the peace of mind.


            Sorry to hear that and glad that you got it resolved. I had to go thru paypal for a claim because I never received the item. The seller said that it was stolen before it reached the post office. She told me to file thru Paypal and it wouldn’t cost me anything and that she wanted me to do that so she could get the money from the post office. Thing was that it was one of those auctions that if you paid within a certain amount of time then they would give you free shipping. Well I payed for the item after 5 mins of the deadline and they made me pay for shipping. So not only did I have to claim the shipping, I had to put a claim for the item=2 claims. I only got back $1 after everything. I was so mad about it. They had answered all of my questions, but I wasted all of that time and money to get a dollar back.


            Sorry the wizard broke, frozen, but I’m glad it’s getting fixed. And sorry about your hatcher too, keschete!


              dragonessjade wrote:

              Sorry to hear that and glad that you got it resolved. I had to go thru paypal for a claim because I never received the item. The seller said that it was stolen before it reached the post office. She told me to file thru Paypal and it wouldn’t cost me anything and that she wanted me to do that so she could get the money from the post office. Thing was that it was one of those auctions that if you paid within a certain amount of time then they would give you free shipping. Well I payed for the item after 5 mins of the deadline and they made me pay for shipping. So not only did I have to claim the shipping, I had to put a claim for the item=2 claims. I only got back $1 after everything. I was so mad about it. They had answered all of my questions, but I wasted all of that time and money to get a dollar back.

              ugh…that sucks….

              that would drive me nuts….


                Sorry about your wizard Frozen. I am glad you and the seller reached an amicable agreement. I dont like broken things either.

                Dragoness, I would have thrown a fit!!


                Yeh…sorry about the wizard…sucks! I’m going through the same thing on Ebay rt now…except it’s with Bilbo 😕 Bought a LOTR Bilbo bust in “mint” condition, but had several non-mint issues…The seller won’t contact me back after emailing him 5 times…I’m filing a claim this Saturday, if he doesn’t get back to me by then…Hope your situation turns out better…looks like it will… 🙂


                  ugh…I hate when people don’t answer emails…

                  and we’ve already taken care of this problem…but I’m not sure what I’m gonna do with the wizard yet


                    I hope this all works out for you, Frozen.

                    I’ve been going through an ebay ordeal myself, but I’m on the seller side this time. I had someone make me an offer on a pair of shoes. We went back and forth with offers and she bought them. Then she sent me a check, although it clearly states in my listings that I do not accept checks. She had written a note that the bank was closed that day, so she couldn’t get a money order. I sent the check back to her and wrote her a message saying that I don’t accept checks and if the bank is closed, she can still get a money order at a convenience store or the post office. She wrote me back a very insulting message, saying I was rude, etc. I told her she was rude by sending me a payment form that I don’t accept and then being defensive about it when I let her know. This went back and forth a little and she finally just refused to pay for the shoes. *sigh* I filed an unpaid item claim which she responded rudely to, so I closed the dispute and got my fee back and gave her an unpaid item mark. I’ve also blocked her from my other items. I haven’t given her feedback, but I’m waiting to see if she gives me any. I did look through her feedback and see that someone else gave her negative feedback for pulling the same stunt (paying with a check when the seller doesn’t accept them), then refusing the pay for the item. Now I’m thinking that I should give her the negative feedback so people will know not to do business with her (if they don’t take checks) or they’ll get a check or a refusal to pay. It’s against the ebay rules, so I’m thinking people should know. I have a feeling she would retaliate with negative feedback, but it won’t hurt me as much as it would hurt her, and I can always respond to it and explain it. What do you guys think?


                      hmmm….honestly I think if it wouldn’t hurt you much to get negative from her….to go ahead and leave one….I mean that’s just crazy….and if you don’t accept a form of payment…then you don’t…end of story….

                      mine worked out well…so that’s good….

                      hope yours does too


                        I’d give her Neg feedback too. She can’t be that ignorant that she wouldn’t know where you can get money orders from.


                          here are the pictures I took of the white wizard…

                          that’s before I glued pieces back on…


                            Aww poor baby.. 🙁

                            Emerald, I would leave negative, too.

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