Two books recommended

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    I normally read romance, especially paranormal, and scifi/fantasy with the occasional mystery/thriller thrown in. Also lots of vampires stuff (YEAH – the new Anita Blake came out today – does happy dance) but someone recently lent me two books that were really good.

    The Good, Good Pig by Sy Montgomery is about a naturalist and her husband who adopt a runt pig they name Christopher Hogwood. If you like animals it’s a really good book although I will warn you that pigs don’t live as long as people. And under “it’s a small world” the vet who trims Christopher’s tusks is the brother of one of the people I work with.

    Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen who also wrote Riding Lessons (which I haven’t read yet). The one thing about this one is that there is animal abuse in it (plus some people abuse – I hate to say it but the animal abuse upset me more). But it’s a fascinating look at the depression and train circuses as the author did a lot of research. And her depiction of a 93 year old man is nothing short of amazing.

    Both books were good enough that I have checked out other books by the authors which is my measurement as to how much I like a particular author. Just a suggestion in case someone is looking for some summer reading. 😀


    Yeah, yeah, yeah! Laurell K. Hamilton! My book is on its way as we speak! Can’t wait.

    Meanwhile, I am reading her Merry Gentry series, which I hadn’t gotten to previously.

    Also, The Dresden Series by Jim Butcher are really terrific, I ripped though 7 books in about 10 days…now I just need to get the last two.

    Anyway, the books you mentioned look interesting, they kid books?



    No, they are definitely for adults. Although Sy Montgomery has also written books for kids.

    So – Richard or Jean Claude? Or Micah? Asher?

    Doyle, Frost or someone else?

    Going to read more Harlequin now (mwahahaha) It would have been cheaper to order it and wait but no, I trotted off to Barnes and Noble this AM to get it. I have zero self control when it comes to some books (Anita, Merry, Eve Dallas, Harry Potter…)

    (corrected a spelling mistake)


      ddvm wrote:

      No, they are definitely for adults. Although Sy Montgomery has also written books for kids.

      So – Richard or Jean Claude? Or Micah? Asher?

      Doyle, Frost or someone else?

      Going to read more Harlequin now (mwahahaha) It would have been cheaper to order it and wait but no, I trotted off to Barnes and Noble this AM to get it. I have zero self control when it comes to some books (Anita, Merry, Eve Dallas, Harry Potter…)

      (corrected a spelling mistake)

      Hmmm Micah and Doyle for me. I’m right there with you, but I went to Barnes and Noble after lunch. Haven’t had a chance to crack it open yet. Plan on it in a bit though.


      ddvm wrote:

      No, they are definitely for adults. Although Sy Montgomery has also written books for kids.

      So – Richard or Jean Claude? Or Micah? Asher?

      Doyle, Frost or someone else?

      Going to read more Harlequin now (mwahahaha) It would have been cheaper to order it and wait but no, I trotted off to Barnes and Noble this AM to get it. I have zero self control when it comes to some books (Anita, Merry, Eve Dallas, Harry Potter…)

      (corrected a spelling mistake)

      Jean Claude definately, with Nathaniel coming along after, but all of Anita’s men are yummy. Richard is just annoying at this point. He needs to grow up and accept what he is, and get on with his life.

      Frost and Doyle so far, though the others are cute too.

      Self control and books so don’t go together for me or anyone in my family. LOL!



      For me, Jean-Claude (and Asher). Never liked Richard – wish he would go away. And Micah was so fast and I had wanted her with JC that it’s taken me a long time to warm up to him.

      I vote Doyle – at the end of The Harlequin it says that A Lick of Frost will be out in October! Yes, I stayed up until 3 AM reading then had to get up for work!


      ddvm wrote:

      For me, Jean-Claude (and Asher). Never liked Richard – wish he would go away. And Micah was so fast and I had wanted her with JC that it’s taken me a long time to warm up to him.

      I vote Doyle – at the end of The Harlequin it says that A Lick of Frost will be out in October! Yes, I stayed up until 3 AM reading then had to get up for work!

      Unfortunately, Richard can’t go away, he’s part of their power triad, if he leaves or dies, JC and Anita go up in smoke too. But I admit it would have been nice if his issues had come out BEFORE they got stuck with him.

      As for which one gets to be with Merry for all time, I am undecided, but it definately between Frost and Doyle, those are the two most likely people to be good monarchs alongside her. I am also hoping that her mortality will somehow change. There has to be some way to make her immortal.

      So far though, I am only on book 2, so no spoilers.



      Kyrin wrote:

      Yeah, yeah, yeah! Laurell K. Hamilton! My book is on its way as we speak! Can’t wait.

      Meanwhile, I am reading her Merry Gentry series, which I hadn’t gotten to previously.

      Also, The Dresden Series by Jim Butcher are really terrific, I ripped though 7 books in about 10 days…now I just need to get the last two.

      Anyway, the books you mentioned look interesting, they kid books?


      Absolutely agree with you on the The Dresden files. I especially love that they’re based in Chicago, my old hometown.

      Did you know that the SciFi channel made a series based on the book? I didn’t get a chance to see it because I ws on cruise, but I heard good things.


        RiDuvessa wrote:

        Did you know that the SciFi channel made a series based on the book? I didn’t get a chance to see it because I ws on cruise, but I heard good things.

        The first season was WONDERFUL and due out on DVD in August. There has been no word yet on whether there will be a second season on not. 😥 Why it it everytime me or my husband love a show it dies an early death?


          Sorry to totally hijack your thread, but, would either of you have any interest in reading the book I’m writing and give me some feedback before I try to publish it? I’m working on it right now and have it about 2/3 done, the first 11 chapters are pretty much complete. But writing a book, and publishing a book are two different things…

          I always am on the lookout for creative criticism from experts in the field 😉


          What type of book are you writing? I read just about anything although I’m no expert! But if you want an opinion I’d love to read what you’ve written so far.

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