tuckered puppy

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      So cute, I love that he wrapped himself up in the blankets too. Last night I tried to go to bed but my cat Hobo was stretched out across the bottom of the bed and my husband was laying with his head on his side and his feet on my side (to give Hobo room). So I ended up curling up on what little bit of the bed that was left. I should have taken a picture, it was funny.


      my usual bedmates are monty who is 32 pounds and growing..aurora..my 78 pound german shepherd…a 24 pound siamese(no hes not fat) and two other cats, jethal and kithicor


      Dracomancer wrote:

      my usual bedmates are monty who is 32 pounds and growing..aurora..my 78 pound german shepherd…a 24 pound siamese(no hes not fat) and two other cats, jethal and kithicor

      24 pound not fat siamese?????? Holy crap! Is he a bodybuilder or something? πŸ˜† And I thought Fluff was big (weighing in at about 18lbs mostly fluff πŸ™„ )


      Dragon87 wrote:

      Dracomancer wrote:

      my usual bedmates are monty who is 32 pounds and growing..aurora..my 78 pound german shepherd…a 24 pound siamese(no hes not fat) and two other cats, jethal and kithicor

      24 pound not fat siamese?????? Holy crap! Is he a bodybuilder or something? πŸ˜† And I thought Fluff was big (weighing in at about 18lbs mostly fluff πŸ™„ )


      Dragon87 wrote:

      Dracomancer wrote:

      my usual bedmates are monty who is 32 pounds and growing..aurora..my 78 pound german shepherd…a 24 pound siamese(no hes not fat) and two other cats, jethal and kithicor

      24 pound not fat siamese?????? Holy crap! Is he a bodybuilder or something? πŸ˜† And I thought Fluff was big (weighing in at about 18lbs mostly fluff πŸ™„ )

      hes just REALLY big boned…sereous this cat has thick bones..its scary lol


        I met a cat that weight once that wasnt fat…he had incredibly long legs…he was really tall for a housecat. His tail came up to my waist. It’s amazing to see a housecat that size. 😯


        yeah dante’s tail comes u past my knees…his head is the size of a grapefruit..


          biiiig kitty…lol.


          mutant cat rofl


          Necron99 wrote:

          Dragon87 wrote:

          Dracomancer wrote:

          my usual bedmates are monty who is 32 pounds and growing..aurora..my 78 pound german shepherd…a 24 pound siamese(no hes not fat) and two other cats, jethal and kithicor

          24 pound not fat siamese?????? Holy crap! Is he a bodybuilder or something? πŸ˜† And I thought Fluff was big (weighing in at about 18lbs mostly fluff πŸ™„ )

          Sweet that was funny!!!!! Thanks Necron!

          Well there is one breed that can get to more then that if they are small, I think they are called the Savannah, a cross between a Serval and a housecat. Never heard of a siamese that big though…

          Do you just have stores of those pictures on your computer, Necron? πŸ˜† You seem to have one for every occasion!


            So glad to hear that Monty is feeling better. I still think you ought to send him my way so we could both recuperate together…

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜†



            twindragonsmum wrote:

            So glad to hear that Monty is feeling better. I still think you ought to send him my way so we could both recuperate together…

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜†

            rofl if you wanna deal with his antics then be my guest :p




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