Trcking Dragons in the post?

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    Oh man im really worried now, i was tracking my peacock riser a few weeks ago and i kept logging in to see where it was and it got updated every few days untill it got here.

    Emerald sent me my Gold OW out on the 27th and it said it was at chicago airport on the 29th…..

    Thats it and it was well over a week ago now i havent had any updates or anything he should really be here today or tomorrow.

    Anyone else had any traking problems??



      The tracking numbers are only good if postal workers actually scan them. I had things come to me from Canada that only got scanned at their originating post offices and then never again until they reached me even though the USPS can scan the Canadian Post tracking lables. Then I’ve had some things scanned at every stop along the way – like my griffin when I sent him to Kyrin for repairs.


        Oh, I hope he gets to you okay, Griffiness. Let me know when he does! 😕


          Yes, the US postal service has terrible tracking. I even received a package that was never scanned when it was delivered to me. It still showed that it was in transit somewhere. Especially if you’re out of the US I wouldn’t read too much into it. It should get to you fine, but don’t rely on the tracking to give you piece of mind. Just know it’s on it’s way to you. Good luck and keep us informed.


          Oh good i feel much better now, i was quite sure that it must be because no one has scanned him. I’ll let you know when he gets here. 😀


          I have been having the same problem with a Windstone that I bought off of ebay. The seller gave me the number off of the shipping label that she printed from ebay/paypal. It has been 3 weeks (and she is located in the U.S) and I haven’t received it yet. Both me and the seller have contacted (so she said)the post office to see if they could track it, but we haven’t had luck so far. It is kinda strange that she has had this happened to 3 out of 5 packages that she sent at the same time. The post office said that if they don’t scan it in then it is going to be hard to track it. And they said we can’t claim it is lost for 30 days. I don’t know what to do cause it cost me between $60-70 for the item and another $20 for shipping.


          oh that sucks Dragoness, im sure it will turn up eventually 😀


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            The tracking numbers are only good if postal workers actually scan them. I had things come to me from Canada that only got scanned at their originating post offices and then never again until they reached me even though the USPS can scan the Canadian Post tracking lables. Then I’ve had some things scanned at every stop along the way – like my griffin when I sent him to Kyrin for repairs.

            Yup, same here. I have one from LIH that says its still in Canada 🙄


            I gosh i finially got an update!!!!

            He has cleared customs and i guess i’ll get a letter in the post tomorrow so i’ll get him Wednesday 😀




                Yay! 😀


                Griffiness wrote:

                oh that sucks Dragoness, im sure it will turn up eventually 😀

                Yeah, it does suck. They said that it never made it to my post office and in fact it never made it to the seller’s post office. I told her that I would like a refund and once the 30 days roll around then she could probably claim the insurance money for a lost package.

                I am glad that you got yours handled.


                He is here 😀 Thank you so much Emerald i love him, he is very brown im so happy he is in one piece!!! Just got to find a shelf that’ll take his weight!

                I had difficulty trying to get him they wouldn’t deliver him yesterday i donno why i think they forgot anyway they brought him around this afternoon i’m delighted!



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