So, every week my dad “treasure hunts” at all the thrift stores within a 30 mile radius of our homes. I’ve been going with him in the hopes of someday finding and Old Warrior for like $10 (Hey, you never know! 😆 ). A couple weeks ago I came across this awful looking kitty:

Well, I felt bad for the little guy. He had so much potential, but here he was, sitting unloved on a thrift store shelf. I picked up the little kitty and decided he needed a better life. Last night after my babies went to bed I sat by the light of the Christmas tree and gave him a new coat. My next step, I will either give him fairy wings and a sparkly wand or a magician’s wand and a top hat (I haven’t decided yet 😀 ). When he’s done I will find him a loving home where he can be happy, instead of on a dusty ol’ shelf. I guess this is my new hobby: finding ugly orphans and making them adoptable 😆 I also got an adorable little bunny that is painted neon blue :puke: