Trainwreck unicorn…..

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Trainwreck unicorn…..

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    So here are some photos of my latest unicorn. She is supposed to be a perlino, but I messed up BIG TIME w/ the ‘earthy brown’ and made her look bruised instead. I have added a bunch of layers of white and that has helped some. You can tell right behind both ears, on the neck. Her hind end on the display side is messed up, as well her front ‘arm pit’ on the non-display side. The pictures look better then real life. She is also much darker then a true pearlino, but she isn’t done. I’m not sure is I will continue to try to lightener her, or just give her an acetone bath and start over. I hate doing the acetone thing tho because they never get as clean and smooth as when they were new.

    Any constructive criticism?



    Sorry, I can’t help, I’m not an artist, but she sure looks sweet to me! Not a train wreck at all!! Only true ‘horsey-type’ people are going to know what a perlino colored horse is supposed to look like anyway. I think she is pretty!


    Thank you! She does look better inthe photos. I dunno, maybe I’m just too critical of my work??


      I think I would continue trying to lighten up those areas that still look a bit too dark or bruised before having to restart. If after a few more layers it isn’t helping, then I would consider restarting. I can’t wait to see her done! 🙂


      Thanks for the input, thats exactly what I was thinking. Hopefully it’ll work, I really don’t want to have to start over!!


      I also suggest giving up on making this one perlino, she looks really good as is, so just try to lighten up those areas you are unhappy with, and just let her be, this uni obviously doesn’t want to be a perlino.

      I like her though, I think with a few details she would be good to go just as she is.



      I actually kinda like her as she is, I can’t find any words that say no to how she looks. :’


        I do not know what a perlino is supposed to look like but I do think she is very pretty.


        I think she looks better than a perlino. I don’t like albino anything. Put some color on the beads and she’ll look lovely.


          She’s a little dark for a perlino, but I think perlino when I see her… I think she looks great.


          *ugh* I just can’t get the darker areas to lighten up enough. I may just darken the mane & tail, complete the hooves and beads and be done with her. I have spent a ton of hours on this peice that will be for sale and I just have to draw the line somewhere. 🙄


            I think she is very pretty just as she is.

            That bruised look could come in handy if you/someone wanted to do a Halloween zombie horse: -)


            aww i like how she looks, though she is a tad dark 🙂


              Yeah, I am sorry, I like her too. I think she is beautiful.

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