
Trade spectral?

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    I have decided I have too many peacocks and would like to trade my spectral maybe for another spectral in ruby, red fire, or silver?? Emerald? I don’t have any other colors of spectrals so I am open. Also open to other sculpts. I’m looking for all browns except male and mother, all emeralds except scratcher, fledge, male. All ruby except male, scratcher, mother, and lap. Emerald, brown, and white coiled mothers. All silvers, all whites… there is a lot 😆 😆


    I have an emerald hatchling for sale if you’re looking to buy *shrug* I can’t trade as I don’t collect dragons (this little guy was in a forgotten corner and at a good price so I snatched him up for any needy collectors), but I see you’re wanting all emeralds so I’m tossing the offer out there.


      Just so you know, the Spectral (the sitting one anyway) was not made in the Ruby. It is available in Red Fire though.


      Oooh thanks for letting me know. I wonder why that is? Huh. Thanks! 😀


      Nuke wrote:

      I have an emerald hatchling for sale if you’re looking to buy *shrug* I can’t trade as I don’t collect dragons (this little guy was in a forgotten corner and at a good price so I snatched him up for any needy collectors), but I see you’re wanting all emeralds so I’m tossing the offer out there.

      Ooh I should mention I don’t collect the little hatchlings (but I do collect hatching royalty). Thanks for letting me know!


      CherokeeDR wrote:

      Oooh thanks for letting me know. I wonder why that is?

      We haven’t squeaked for it enough.




        But there is still 1 or 2 RISING spectrals in Ruby in stock in the Windstone store 🙂

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