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  • #732427

    Trade rainbow curl for a different color? I want most every color 🙂 Also looking for other things in different sculpts doesn’t have to be a curl.



    What exactly are you looking for?


    Pretty much anything I don’t currently have (and I don’t have a whole ton)- there are not really any sculpts that I dislike. Let me know what you have that you would consider trading 🙂


      How about giving us a top 10 list of what you are looking for. I saw a post that some where lookinig for a rainbow curl


      NOOOOOO!!!!!! Rainbow curl for trade and nothing to trade…. *sob*


      A different colored curlie? Or something else?

      I suppose if I took the time and slowed down to read things, I would have noticed what all you said. 😆 🙄


      I don’t know whether or not you’d be interested, but I have a pink curl I’d be willing to trade.


      Hi all! Sorry I don’t always get online everyday. A different colored curl or something else would be fine. Unfortunately I am not looking for the pink one I have her and the emerald one already. Thanks!


        CherokeeDR wrote:

        Hi all! Sorry I don’t always get online everyday. A different colored curl or something else would be fine. Unfortunately I am not looking for the pink one I have her and the emerald one already. Thanks!

        Didn’t you just tell me in a PM that you sold your Rainbow Curl on Ebay?


        If you still have a rainbow curl for trade, would you take a fledgling for him?


        Greater- What color fledge?

        Emerald- no I did not say I sold him on e-bay. You offered $50 trade and I said they sell for more on e-bay and passed on your trade I also mentioned I didn’t see anything you even had in stock in that price area. Thanks!


          Oh, okay. I guess I misunderstood your PM.

          Apparently you misunderstood my response. You asked me what the money value was, I said what they sold for originally. I don’t know what they are selling for anywhere else. If I were to buy one outright, however, I would only pay $50, since they will be back in the Windstone store eventually. But what I offered you was a trade from something in my store. You should tell me if there’s something there you want, and I’ll tell you if I’m willing to trade it to you.

          The offer still stands.


          CherokeeDR wrote:

          Greater- What color fledge?

          I have a peacock, a rainbow and a black gold, though I’d prefer not to part with the rainbow. Also, I live in Switzerland – do you ship outside the States?


          does your peacock have the purple chest or the blue chest? 🙂

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